Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 61


                        Where are the wise, the

                          fierce, the bold and the


                                                 Chioma Phillips

                    s the world grows        claim to certain spaces on this earth   before slavery and colonial oppres-
                    increasingly totalitarian,   and where people were rounded up   sion had afflicted Afrika were able
                    generations of people    from their traditional homesteads   to pass on these memories to their
          Aare being born into               which were spread out over ridges   children and grandchildren and
          environments where they don’t      and valleys in Afrika and forced to   remind them from whence they
          remember what it was like to live   live in fenced concentration camps   came; when the living was differ-
          without many of the restrictions   under the vicious and hostile author-  ent, when the invisible iron fences
          they now find in place. Worse yet,   itarian control of the wicked colo-  introduced to Afrika and embraced
          they don’t even know that many     nizers. For them, that was normal.   by the colonizers' successors were
          of the things they interact with as   Much like those born after the fake   not enforced. This gave rise to
          ‘normal’ are actually restrictions and   independence, into nations that were   hope and an awareness that things,
          people around them will go to great   fenced in by invisible lines called   indeed, could be different. These
          lengths to explain to them that these   ‘borders’ that delineated national   custodians of ancient memory were
          are simply ‘guidelines’ and ‘require-  boundaries which cannot be crossed   the ‘elephants’ of their day, whose
          ments’ to protect them and to keep   officially without documentation   words and stories of days gone by
          society ‘healthy and balanced’.    that identifies one’s origin and proof   inspired - in their generations - the
          For example, many of those born    of payment (visas) needed to access   desire for liberty and created the
          during colonialism emerged into a   the next nation and permission indi-  necessary environment for the spark
          world where a ‘new normal’ gov-    cated by a rubber stamp. For many   in the quest for liberty to become a
          erned their very existence. A world   of those born into these days, that is   raging fire that spread across Afrika.
          where documents had been intro-    considered ‘normal’.               It is tragic indeed, that their words
          duced to prove one's identity and   Those who remembered the days     and lives were defiled by the com-

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  61
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