Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 58
A Conversation between John Igbokoyi and Khumbi Mkhize
n a room with white walls and Interesting. No, I did not know that.
white floors, seated on two red
chairs, the co-authors of this Yes. Another interesting fact: Chris- Yes, it is true. And let us not forget
Iarticle contemplated an issue topher Columbus never discovered our women. In recent history, the
surrounding the focus of people of America. The claim to that discov- Hollywood movie, Hidden Figures,
Afrikan descent. Their contempla- ery should most likely be given to portrays four genius, mathematician
tion centered around how excess Malian traders sent by the Musa Afrikan-American women who were
focus on having a good time might Malian empire to trade with the instrumental in NASA’s operations
be taking away from progress. This American Aboriginals. in the 60’s.
was their conversation.
Oh really? I did not know that I saw that movie, interesting facts. I
Khumbi, did you know that the idea John?.That is all very interesting do believe in our women.
of the production line credited to information. Well, did you know
Henry Ford, was actually an idea the Greek physician, Hippocrates, is Sticking with women, Patricia Bath,
he got from an Afrikan-American crowned in the history books as the an Afrikan-American woman, in
man named George Washington father of medicine; but that crown 1981 invented a medical device used
Carver. I also found out that the should really go to Imhotep, an for cataract dissolution in the eye,
automatic opening and closing of Afrikan from Egypt who was born which then cleans the eye and allows
the elevator doors was invented by over 2,000 years before Hippocrates for an easy lens replacement. Today
an Afrikan-American man named himself was even born? this is a common procedure in laser
Alexander Miles. cataract surgery.
58 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika