Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 57


                   ducation can be defined   of the west the physical intellect/  -In the education of the west all
                   under two paradigms,      brain of the earth suit (body) is   roads leads to Rome, cheat, steal,
                   namely education of the   confused with the spirit, and the in-  lie, kill if you want the grave is the
          Ewest and the education            tellect/brain sees material success or   final destination for everyone. In
          according to the Afrikan cosmog-   achievements as an elevation or goal   the education of Afrika, life is taken
          ony.                               of life, putting the spirit to sleep   seriously and not all roads lead to
                                             while the brain takes control of the   Rome, some roads lead to Zimba-
          -In the education of the west we   wheel of the car (body) and begins   bwe.
          train an individual to live from the   to engage in activities that are con-
          outward in (materialism) while in   trary to the values of the spirit. The   -In the education of the west the
          Afrikan education we train the in-  brain/intellect becomes anti-spirit   end justifies the means, meaning, it
          dividual to live from the inward out   or better said the Anti-Christ. You   doesn't matter what you do now, it is
          (Ubuntu).                          thought the Anti-Christ was a per-  how you end up that matters. In the
                                             son, but sadly you are one yourself.  Education of Afrika the present is a
          - Education of the west trains peo-                                   gift and one should take advantage
          ple to master a certain skill(s) that   -In the education of the Afrikan,   of it to grow their Spiritual  maturi-
          can be used in the position of a job   the spirit is a priority and the spirit   ty, for a journey of a thousand miles
          to perform a certain task/service   is in control of the car (body). The   begins with one step.
          with a return/reward of a paycheck   spirit comes with Spiritual fruits and
          or salary that enables one to pay for   uses the body to manifest them to   -In the education of the west life is
          services/bills to survive. While the   the world. While in the education   about me, me, I, I, mine, mine, but
          Afrikan education trains individuals   of the west the Spiritual values and   in Afrikan education life is about we,
          to identify their gifts that can be of   fruits are replaced with carnal satis-  ours, together.
          service to the society, and places the   factions of the flesh, love becomes
          individual in a position to develop   a sexual feeling, joy becomes the   -In the education of the west, life is
          their gift and master it to the point   happiness of having money, peace   a race, but in Afrikan education life
          where the individual becomes un-   becomes the ability to be fine while   is a grace.
          employable.                        others don't have the same oppor-
                                             tunity and continue to live in misery,   -In the Education of the west likes,
          The individual is trained from a   you manipulate the market to keep   views, and followers build your
          young age to answer the 5 Ques-    others down while you have all the   personality, but in Afrikan education
          tions of life.                     joy and happiness in the world #tag   human values are the trophies of
          Who am I? IDENTITY                 the top 1%.                        life.
          Where am I from? SOURCE
          Why am I here? PURPOSE             -In the education of the west,      -In the education of the west the
          What can I do? POTENTIAL           YOLO (you live only once) is the   code of identification and recog-
          Where am I going? DESTINY          concept of life, but in Afrikan    nition is skin pigmentation, but in
                                             education the spirit experiences/in-  Afrikan education, LOVE IS THE
          It frees the individual from the pris-  carnates physical life several times to   TRUE IDENTITY.
          on of a job to survive and makes   grow its spiritual maturity.
          him/her an asset to the society
          because of his/her unique abilities,
          and thus he/she helps people get
          what they want and he/she always
          has what he/she needs.                          Education is the formal or informal process for
                                                              receiving and disseminating instruction.
          -In the education of the Afrikan,                   Education begins in the informal setting.
          the educator or teacher knows that
          a human is a spirit that lives in an                               The HOME.
          earth suit to experience physical life                         Ireola Olaifa
          temporarily on earth, and uses life
          as an opportunity to grow/attain                      Mkurugenzi Mtendaji (Executive Director)
          spiritual values. But in the education                             Maruge Kundi

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  57
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