Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 62


          promises that the Casablanca group   only for those of ‘their kind’. They   disperse hidden potential to the far
          infused the continent with... but yet   are fierce enough to chase off pred-  flung locations where it is needed,
          there is hope - for their words live   ators and astute enough to identify   safely encased in the nourishment
          on and find place in the hearts of   friend from foe... and compas-   it needs to get a good start. Ensur-
          those who still desire and fight for   sionate enough to mourn for their   ing that those who are unable or
          true liberty, those who are still aware   loved ones and for others who have   unequipped by design to make the
          of the scaly dragon-like claws of the   passed on from this world. Their   journey to spread this life them-
          old oppression of the colonialists   memories have even allowed them   selves will receive all the selfless
          around their necks, albeit presented   to exert revenge on old enemies –   help and strength they need to fulfill
          in a new form; those whose cries   not cleaving to those who sought to   the aspects of their purpose which
          of warning to the ones who have    destroy them in the past, but erad-  are beyond them. That’s collabora-
          embraced this ‘new normal’ often   icating their influence entirely and   tion. We need the fearlessness and
          go unheeded until it is too late.  teaching their young to do so. Even   protectiveness of those who will
          Every family, community, nation,   in their death and decay, elephants   ensure that balance is maintained,
          and continent needs some good,     provide life and sustenance to so   harm is kept at bay and that the
          wise and strong 'elephants' in their   many in the animal world - and   next generation is well taught and
          midst if they are to not only survive   where a leader dies, the ones who   disciplined in what is sustainable
          but thrive and blossom. In the world   are left behind are equipped suffi-  and beneficial for all, empowering
          of the elephants, there are those   ciently with the wisdom and knowl-  them to grow up into wise leaders
          who are old enough to remember     edge required to thrive without him   and members of the community –
          the ancient paths, the ways of safety.   or her.                      correcting them and keeping them
          They are wise enough to know how   Human society needs to learn       from harm. We need those who
          to nurture and guide the younger   from these mighty beasts how to    know who the enemy is, and who,
          generation to live lives that will   be life-giving and life-sustaining   no matter what he comes in dressed
          sustain a society. The wise old bulls   whether alive or dead. We need   like, are savvy enough to identify
          guide the young males and maintain   wise and stable 'elephants' in our   him and fiercely dispense with him
          balance preventing the bulls from   societies... people who are brave and   and all his treachery and deceptions
          exerting destructive aggression    strong and wise enough to shift the   and who will teach their children to
          against other animals around them.   laws, regulations and structures that   do the same. We need those who
          Likewise, the prudent mature cows   no longer serve us or never did. We   are not concerned with only ‘their
          train the young females in nurture   need those who will be able to guide   own kind’ but with the welfare of
          and care and the searching out     us to ancient paths, safely, where   the whole, understanding through
          of ancient feeding and watering    we can draw wisdom for living in   the ages how the whole interacts
          grounds. This ancient knowledge is   the now. People who will ensure   sustainably in its diversity and that
          used to save herds from drought and   that everyone in society gains access   a whole is not a whole without the
          hardship and to evade danger. The   to the sustenance they require by   success of each one.
          elephant herds are strong enough   shaking things up a little so that the   The sometimes intimidating force
          to knock down old and rotting trees   status quo doesn't stifle society in   and nature of the wise, the fierce,
          to make way for new life to have a   its staleness but that light and fresh   the bold and the strong is not to be
          chance at the sunlight where, before,   air are let in so that the new life is al-  feared and countered with vicious
          they were denied access to spaces   lowed to flourish.  Recognizing that   attacks. Rather it is to be understood
          they needed for growth.            the new generation holds keys to   for its necessity for the betterment
          They disperse the seeds of the fruit   the survival of the old and selflessly   of all. Those who do not play the
          they eat, safely encased in nourish-  releasing hold for them to step into   role of 'elephant' need to ready
          ing manure to distant lands that the   place. Unlike in our current gener-  themselves with electric saws and
          trees are unable to reach on their   ation where the old - who are sup-  rakes to move the fallen trees and
          own. And they are able to shake the   posed to be elders and custodians   branches a little bit so that they can
          trees with the fruit and leaves too   of ancient wisdom - are competing   follow in the path the 'elephants' are
          high up for others to reach so that   with the young ones for gains...   making, and with baskets to reap the
          nourishment comes down from the    including those of corruption. What   benefits of the ‘elephants’’ consid-
          inaccessible places to reach those   will we have left to offer the genera-  ered labor. For theirs is not a path
          who are unable to connect without   tions to come?                    of devastation... but rather it is one
          the help of these giants – and not   We need those with the ability to   of recreation.

          62      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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