Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 60
side of sanity. Sexualizing a person more so in completed actions. son, John?
involves the figure of the person,
and how the person is clad. As far John, speaking of completed actions Yes Khumbi.
back as Queen Nefertiti, Queen that can motivate, a great inspiration
of Sheba, and other great Afrikan that needs to be mentioned, is of I would like to see a world where
queens like Queen Nzinga were a Gambian carpenter that built the Afrikan people, in all areas of the
known to be clad in garments and largest estate in Nigeria in Port Har- world, will be seen and respected as
jewels that caught the attention of court city. His story can be seen on the first people who were and will
anyone whose eyes were to fall on a YouTuber’s channel named Wode be the pioneers of many inventions
them...they were especially known Maya. This man has developed his of the past, and future. But we
for how they presented themselves. skills as a carpenter from the time ourselves must first re-educate our-
Fashion is an area our Afrikan he was in high school and today, he selves as well as our children.
women have dominated. Granted employs and mentors hundreds of
we have a strong hand in the mar- tradesmen from Nigeria, Gambia, Khumbi, I agree with you on the
ket, with a bit of sanity and drive and Senegal. re-educate point. I sincerely believe
towards progress, respect will be that if we were to rethink our
seen in how our women can present There you go. I heard about this educational system, especially to be
themselves in a positive light. man...matter of fact I watched more Afro-Centric, we will have a
the two episodes on Wode Maya’s better result...a result that is geared
So how do you suggest we move channel. The man did not go to towards Afrikan nation building.
forward from here? I think each and university; with just the innate desire There is a time and place to have a
everyone of us needs to hold our spawned from inspiration, spent the good time, but we must think of the
own selves accountable and respon- time necessary to learn, and subse- future.
sible for how we can do better not quently built an empire. Come to
just for our own selves but also for think about it, who do you think You know, redesigning our educa-
the greater good of our Afrikan built the pyramids? It is people tion system would be an excellent
race. There are specific steps we all of Afrikan descent, real Afrikan solution, a great starting point. Let’s
can take to make this happen. Not descent. But that is a story for get started.
all of us are going to be on the same another time. Point here is, we are,
pace or on the same page. But we in my opinion, the smartest, most Yes, let’s get started. That was a
all need to have the same agenda educated (not talking about brick great conversation Khumbi.
moving forward. and mortar schooling here), most
creative, and most ingenious of all Yes, yes it was. We should do this
Being on the same agenda will be a people on this earth. If it’s enter- again.
hard and nearly impossible thing to tainment we want, Jerry Lawson, an
do. After all, not all citizens who Afrikan-American man is credited Most definitely, maybe next time
want glory, sacrifice for it. What for developing the first cartridge with inspiration from one of our
I believe needs to happen is the based video game console commer- completed or nearly completed
few of us who are already on the cially released, Fairchild Channel F. works.
progress train should create in such That is an innovative invention for
a way that it will inspire. What I entertainment, but more so an in- John, that is a great idea. You really
believe is lacking, mostly in the glob- vention that can be tailored towards have great ideas.
al Afrikan community, is inspiration. education.
There seems to be a general lack Yes, it’s my thing. This is a great
of motivation towards progress, so Now that is innovative and forward room by the way. Same place next
much so that it has been replaced thinking for entertainment. I can time?
with the previously mentioned ref- only imagine if this next generation
uge taken in music, entertainment, can take that mindset and gear it Sounds good to me, till next time...
and culture...let us call it familiarity. towards education in all areas that Mr. Great Ideas.
There seems to be a general under- can allow the Afrikan race to be in
lying feeling of helplessness that a healthy competition with the rest Till next time, mama bear.
needs to be overcome with inspi- of the world. You want to know
ration not in words but in action, the future I would like to see for my
60 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika