Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 65


          ing, with financial backers, as if
          someone`s backing could create
          development! We have been
          advised to go to these recom-
          mended lenders. We have been
          proposed with nice financial
          set-ups. We have been indebted
          for 50, 60 years and more. That
          means we have been led to com-
          promise our people for 50 years
          and more.

          Under its current form the
          debt is a formula for controlled
          imperialism; debt is a cleverly
          managed re-conquest of Africa
          aiming at subjugating its growth
          and development through for-
          eign rules. Thus each one of us
          becomes the financial slave, that
          is to say – a true slave to those
          who were treacherous enough        negotiated with 81 countries       taken precedence over health,
          to put money in our countries      since March 2020 – when the        over food to the hungry, over
          with obligations for us to repay.   pandemic was declared – push      education , over everything
          We are told to repay, but it is not   for belt-tightening that could   that matters. If debt is to be
          a moral issue. It is not about this   result in deep cuts to public   seen from the standpoint of its
          so-called honour of repaying or    healthcare systems and pension     origins, then we need to look at
          not!”                              schemes, wage freezes and cuts     debt which has its origins in the
                                             for public sector workers such     Belt and Road Initiative. That
          Debt servicing and restrictive     as doctors, nurses and teachers,   is debt owed to China since the
          loans for poor countries, in       and unemployment benefits,         beginning of the Belt and Road
          these current times , is more      like sick pay.”                    Initiative in 2013 to construct
          than immoral!                                                         infrastructure and build eco-
                                             Africa`s debt, to the IMF, is a    nomic corridors.
          As written in an article on Afri-  creation of a neo-liberal eco-
          ca and the World:                  nomic system of so-called Free     The G20 announced its Debt
                                             Trade that has deliberately        Service Suspension Initiative
          “Oxfam reported “84 percent        withheld industrialization from    in April this year. This is a
          of the International Monetary      African economies. The debt        non-binding agreement but
          Fund’s (IMF) COVID-19 loans        should have been renounced         pressure is being put on China
          encourage, and in some cases       in 1987 . But it wasn`t. Instead   to join the Paris Club of credi-
          require, poor countries hard hit   Thomas Sankara was assassinat-     tors.
          by the economic fallout from       ed for what he said.               This initiative is an attack on
          the pandemic to adopt more                                            China. The intention is to de-
          tough austerity measures in the    Today the situation has changed.   rail the Belt and Road Initiative.
          aftermath of the health crisis”.   Africa`s debt burden to the IMF    China, which only accounts for
          New analysis by Oxfam finds        remains immoral. Debt ser-         17% of Africa`s debt, is not lia-
          that 76 out of the 91 IMF loans    vicing across the continent has    ble to pay for the decades of the

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  65
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