Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 63



           33 YEARS ON.
           By PD Lawton,

           Originally published on 15 November 2020 at

                   oday, Africa stands at    called the Green Finance Pack-     Without reliable, cheap energy,
                   the cross-roads. This     age. [1]                           it is impossible to power de-
                   is the last opportunity   Kenya, sadly, has become the       velopment and industrialize an
          Tfor the continent`s               first to accept the UN Green       economy. Renewables cannot
          leadership to decide the fate of   Finance Package which was          run a steel mill. Hydropower
          1.3 billion people.                received by Kenya`s Central        has its physical limits in terms of
                                             Bank this week. It has chosen      transmission distance and it is
          This is the most crucial moment    to appease the Paris Club and      not a possibility without consid-
          in Africa`s history. The choice    protect its credit rating.         erable water volume.
          on one hand, is to continue fol-
          lowing IMF diktat and agree to     By accepting the Green Bribe,      Does Kenya want to continue
          a future of economic policy that   Kenya is committing to a ze-       relying on tourism and agricul-
          benefits the banks of Wall Street   ro-growth policy. The Green       ture, a green economy? How
          and the City of London. For that   New Deal will not fund fos-        will that eliminate poverty?
          choice there is a bribe which is   sil-fuel or nuclear energy.

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  63
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