Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 66


          IMF`s economic assassination.      biamila, has initiated the Con-    Africa`s leaders must unite to
                                             ference of Speakers and Heads      demand that all debt which has
          The African Continental Free       of African Parliaments (CoSAP)     been accrued for anything ex-
          Trade Agreement (AfCFTA),          which is the body that is launch-  cept constructing infrastructure,
          will not create prosperity with-   ing the African debt write-off     which includes health care and
          out massive infrastructure         campaign. The 7 countries          water sanitation, will no longer
          development. Without transport     represented are Nigeria, Ghana,    be paid. It will instead be re-in-
          networks, AfCFTA is like a body    Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sen-      vested into the physical econo-
          without veins.                     egal and South Africa. Algeria,    my for the benefit of all.
                                             Morocco, Cote D’Ivoire, and
          Aliko Dangote of the Dangote       Cape Verde have also expressed     Building the physical economy
          Group and financier of Nige-       their desire to join.              of central Africa, must begin
          ria`s first oil refinery has said                                     with international financing
          that infrastructure is more        Professor Aaron Oquaye, Gha-       of the Transaqua Project. To
          important right now than any       na’s Speaker of Parliament         construct the world`s largest
          trade agreements and that          recently gave an interview with    engineering project, will re-
          manufacturing and processing       CGTN in which he called for “a     quire a change of heart, will and
          of goods on African soil has to    New Paradigm.” ” A New Par-        motivation from the private-
          become a priority, but for that,   adigm”, he said” which cannot      ly-owned central banks. In fact,
          infrastructure once again takes    take place under the present       it will require that the bank-
          precedence.                        world [economic] arrangement.”     ing order is replaced by a new
                                             He said that debt servicing was    Bretton Woods system which
          Lawrence Freeman, Africa ana-      a game of “robbing Peter, to pay   extends credit for mankind,
          lyst , explains the importance of   Paul” creating a never ending     not for money. Those that gave
          infrastructure :                   “cycle of poverty, misery and      Africa economic assassins want
                                             disease.”. “Debt cancellation”, he   to fool us again with their phony
          “What African nations most         said “is a matter of liberating    version of a New Bretton Woods
          desperately need, and which will   us.” In other words, it is a final   [3], under their Great Reset,
          have the greatest impact of their   end to colonialism.”And in or-    which is a zero-growth policy.
          economies, is infrastructure,      der, even, to maximise our raw     In terms of Africa, it is to kill
          infrastructure, and more infra-    resources, we need a new world     the African Dream.
          structure. It is not hyperbole to   economic order. How do we
          state that the lack of infrastruc-  balance processing? For exam-     Stop greening the debt, stop
          ture is responsible for millions   ple, taking our foods, vegetables   politicizing the debt. Review the
          of deaths on the continent. The    and also fruits, processing them   debt and where applicable re-in-
          dearth of on-grid energy, argu-    in competition against foreign     vest into the physical economy.
          ably the most crucial compo-       cheap products? No country,
          nent of an industrialized-man-     ever, in this world, you know,
          ufacturing society, is preventing   got economic self dependency      Footnotes/sources;
          African nations from attaining     by allowing cheap competition..”
          the levels of economic growth      Professor Oquaye is not advo-
          required to sustain their popu-    cating for total isolationist poli-  [3]
          lations.”                          cy but against the utterly unfair
          In October, 7 African parlia-      advantage of the mega-corpo-
          ments called for the continent`s   rations that have been the only    PD Lawton is a writer and researcher
          debt to be annulled. The Speaker   beneficiaries of the financial     of African affairs , born in KwaZulu
          of the Nigerian House of Rep-      elite`s `globalism`.[2]            Natal, South Africa. He quotes Thomas
                                                                                Sankara who once said, "We must dare
          resentatives, Rep. Femi Gbaja-

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