Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 53


          4+4...". So in the demonstration   to get 2,4,6,8,10 in our second    So we write down our resulting
          of the proof of the Ishango        row as above  (but starting from   sequence of primes in the series
          sieve to follow, it will be seen   3 on the bone itself to double to   1-10 as displayed on the bone.
          that this conception of copying    6).                                5
          indicated above exists in societ-                                     7
          ies of the region and suffices as   For completeness we include
          a means of doubling numbers.       all doubling from 1 upwards        In the next step the  elimina-
          Furthermore, identifying num-      although this begins at 3. The     tion process described above
          bers that are composed of "cop-    third row shows the numbers        is repeated to obtain the re-
          ies" of other numbers suffices as   produced when a number and        maining primes 11,13,17,19  in
          a means of identifying composite   its double are added, so that for   column G, when eliminating
          or non-prime numbers, as we        instance, 9 is obtained from the   non-primes from the sequence
          shall see shortly.                 sum of 3 and 6. We note that like   11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. As
                                             all even numbers, 6 is composed    before, we begin by doubling; but
          Lastly, it is curious that the     of 2 "copies" of another num-      this time we double  the numbers
          Ishango mathematicians do not      ber, 6 is composed of copies of    from 6 to 10 as below and pro-
          exhibit the numbers 1 and 2 even   3 (that is 6 = 3+3 ).We note all   ceed exactly as before.
          though these numbers are patent-   numbers beyond 6 in the 3rd row
          ly employed in their calculations.   are composed of copies of other
          Is it possible that these ancient   numbers.
          mathematicians had a sacred
          reverence for these numbers        In our next step all numbers that
          which has partially hidden their   are composed of  copies of oth-
          ingenious sieve method for de-     ers are eliminated from the series
          termining the small primes? For    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The elimi-   Figure 4. The Doubling of Numbers 6 to 10.
          instance, the number two is used   nated numbers are shown with a
          in doubling; yet nowhere is two    strike as below.                   So doubling 6 to 10 we get in the
          displayed on the bone. Also the                                       second row, 12,14,16,18,20. As
          number 1, predecessor of 2, is                                        before, the third row shows the
          not displayed overtly. Alternative-                                   numbers produced by a number
          ly, it may simply be the case that                                    and its double added, so that for
          as a way of shortening the length    Figure 3. The Elimination of Numbers   instance, 24 is obtained from the
          of calculations they have opted        Composed of "Copies" of Others  sum of 8 and 16. By inspection
          to omit the numbers and save       We note above that all of the      of the composition of numbers
          time, effort and resources.        even numbers are composed of       previously generated by our
                                             two copies of another number       doubling process it is plain to see
          5. Proof  of  the Ishango Math-    and so are eliminated. Also 9 =    that all of the even numbers are
          ematical Sieve                     3+6 from our calculations on       copies of others, as before. Fur-
                                             column M. We also know that        thermore, we also note that one
          Our ancient Ishango mathemati-     6 is 2 copies of 3 and 6 = 3+3.    odd number in the range 10-20 is
          cians would have begun the siev-   Hence 9 = 3 + 6 = 3 + 3 + 3.       also composed of copies of oth-
          ing process by first doubling all   Thus 9 is composed of copies of   ers. That number is 15 which the
          numbers 1 to 5 (1 and 2 omitted    three and so must also be elimi-   first process of doubling revealed
          on the bone but shown here for     nated.                             is composed of copies of 5 since
          completeness of logic)                                                15 = 10 + 5 = 5+5 +5. Hence
                                             Having made all of our elimina-    we are able to eliminate all of the
                                             tions of numbers composed of       non-prime numbers as below.
                                             copies we are left with 5 and 7.

                         Figure 2. The Doubling of
                         Numbers 1 to 5
          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  53
                                                                                    Figure 5. The Elimination of Numbers
                                                                                      Composed of "Copies" of Others.
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