Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 74
are you a servant leader
By Samuel Phillips
ecently, my wife and I ing Afrika and how to build her up. needed change in Afrikan leadership
visited Prof PLO Lu- As we were about to leave, he gave models that I also believe can bring
mumba in his office in us his PLO Lumumba Foundation the much-needed development in
RNairobi. We had gone gift pack. Apart from the leaflets Afrika. I will try and explain what I
to present to him a complimentary and a few other items in the bag, mean as I go on.
copy of our book "A People Called I was particularly attracted to the
Afrika-Rebuilding the Afrika of motto of the foundation written on Even though we did not ask him
Our Dreams." He was very glad we the side of the bag. It says "Servant to explain his concept of servant
brought him the book. And since leadership is the mother's milk for leadership while we were at his of-
we visited almost close to weekend, sustainable development." fice, I believe that the definition of
he said the book was going to be servant leadership should just be as
his new read for the weekend. We As short and precise as that state- obvious as the two words "Servant"
talked about a few things concern- ment is, it covers a lot of the and "Leadership". But what do both
74 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika