Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 79
to fetch knowledge and inspiration. much that needs to be done, and if Nkumbi and I love you. Welcome to
This is a lifetime well, it’s like a river. you’re not encouraged enough to this great movement.
Whenever I fall short of wisdom, stand up and do something for your
or inspiration and I come across community, no one will do it. As you can see the power of
Professor PLO Lumumba I get mentorship in the life of Joramu;
baptized again. So I am here to take Liberation starts with you. We have it speaks. And he is not alone, the
the message. What I do is I learn heard the message of good peo- PLO Lumumba Foundation has
and I teach, I do those two things in ple like Professor PLO Lumumba, chapters all across Africa and in
life. So whatever that I have got, the there’s a lot of information that he the diaspora, and they‘re working
inspiration that I get, it’s now like a has shared. So, that’s why we are hard to ensure that people have
burden to take it back to the com- inviting you, I have been invited the tools and resources, and the
munity, take it to the University, to to this great movement, I’m also connections that they need in
the market places and share it with inviting you, come and be part of order to make a change and a
other young people. It’s because by this great movement. Let us start to difference in their communities.
doing so we will liberate our coun- inspire one another, Africa needs
tries. you, Africa needs me. You can do it, you can join the
movement. We are happy to put
I am a man of faith and I believe Start by being a champion of rec- you in contact with the PLO
that someday, someone will come onciliation, a champion of peace; Lumumba Foundation, just let
more powerful than us all and he spread peace wherever you are, us know. Something is possi-
will do greater. I’ve been given this hasten your own heart and your ble, even if all you need to do is
opportunity and I know that I am neighbors’. When we do so we will listen to somebody like Joramu
not worthy, that’s why I’m passion- shut down the guns. Agenda 2063 or somebody else in your own
ate to do even more, Waswahili the Africa we want, our forefathers; country, just to get to that place
wanasema, ‘Vunja mifupa angali unayo they envisioned Africa without war where you are encouraged to
meno,’ (The Waswahili say break and their vision was to get the guns begin what is in your heart, that
bones while you still have teeth) shut down in 2020, but we are in is sufficient. We will connect
and so I want to break the bones 2020 we still have wars, we still have you to whoever we can connect
now that I have time, I have teeth, bloodshed, that’s why we want to you to, just step forward and do
because the night is coming when invite you as well, we want to see a something.
no one will be able to work. This is prosperous continent, prosperous
the daytime as young people we are communities, and we can do it. Note: Please watch the full video
supposed to work. version of the interview on our
Let us unite, Africa is home, there’s YouTube channel. Follow the
That’s very inspiring! How old a lot of potential in Africa, Africa is link below:
are you? blessed. Let us not turn this blessing
into a curse. Thank you very much watch?v=HGgOP9DUTNQ
JN: I am 29 years old. for listening, my name is Joramu
Is there something that you can
say to our readers to help them
get to the level of hope that you
managed to get to in order to
push the way that you’re pushing
for Africa to see her liberty?
JN: If you’re listening to me and
you have been born in this part of
the world; Africa, or you have orig-
inated from Africa. I would love to To learn more about the PLO Lumumba Foundation, please
tell you that there’s something that check out their website at the link below:
you need to do. Move around the
street corners, move around town
and see for yourself that there’s so