Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 76


          A servant leader is someone who was

          appointed by an employer or employ-

          ers to help lead a people, a team, a
          nation, in this case, the employers,
          towards a certain goal and by his

          appointed position as a servant or

          employee, he serves his employer or

          for funds because of the lockdown   in our Afrika, then certainly, the
          caused by the pandemic, how do     "Afrikan baby" is either already dead
          you not think that the people from   of starvation or very malnourished.
          whose pockets you want to collect
          those unreasonable taxes don't even   Sincerely speaking, not every
          have what to eat,  talk less of money    Afrikan problem can be solved by   poses are the same. Meaning that,
          to give you as tax? Someone has to   good political leadership, but every   in the area of my purpose, I am a
          sit down and think that the pressure    problem we have can be solved by   leader, but in the area of someone
          on the people in Afrika as regards   one form of leadership or another.   else's purpose, I am a follower, just
          the misuse of funds by Afrikan gov-  Meaning that it's high time we all   like that person is a follower in the
          ernments has consequences.         began to take leadership responsi-  area of my own purpose. It's pretty
                                             bility in our day-to-day dealings with   simple. But the humility to know the
          The Afrikan development            life and humanity. For if leadership   difference is key. So the leadership
          I bet you, every dream or aspiration   is about creating the accurate atmo-  responsibility that serves as mother's
          that a man or a people may have, if   sphere of motivation that is clear   milk for sustainable development is
          given the right inputs and attitude   and strong enough to move a group   with each and everyone of us in our
          will come to pass with time. Same   of people to act toward achieving a   individual purpose and we owe it to
          with the dreams and aspirations of   common goal, then clearly, leader-  ourselves and our communities to
          a better Afrika. But like the PLO   ship is in the hands of every human   express such leadership.
          Lumumba Foundation motto says      on earth. We just need to redefine
          "Servant leadership is the mother's   what many have subjected them-  The political leadership of a nation
          milk for sustainable development."   selves to as followers. We seem to   cannot and will not take the place of
          But what does it really mean for   have more people with a follower   family leadership, business leader-
          the sustainable development of     mindset than we have people with   ship, spiritual leadership, investment
          Afrika to be connected directly    the heart to motivate others to rise.   leadership. The list is endless. So
          to the milk of the mother? I do    Mind you, I am not saying that to   now that we are still pretty much
          not have the answer that the PLO   follow a leader is wrong, not at all. I   where we have been in terms of sus-
          Lumumba Foundation uses, but       am saying that we all are both lead-  tainable development in Afrika, does
          if I may answer that question, my   ers and followers. How is that pos-  it not show that we have more mak-
          answer would be that, where there   sible you may ask? See it this way.   ers of slaves than we have servant
          is a mother's milk, then it's either   We all as individuals have been given   leaders? We all in our little spaces
          that conception has taken place or   mandates and purposes to manifest   and with our God-given purposes
          a mother has been blessed with a   on the earth as our destinies. And, if   must learn to be builders of people
          child. Meaning that if there is need   you will agree with me, you will at-  and not users of people.
          for servant leadership which is the   test to the fact that no two persons
          mother's milk for sustainable devel-  are the same on earth and also that   Think about it.
          opment, but which clearly is lacking   no two persons' destinies and pur-

          76      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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