Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 63


          all 47 counties present.           who is struggling with trying to   shillings to buy towels from a mar-
                                             figure out what to do, how do      ket called Gikomba here in Nairobi
          That’s amazing.                    they break out of  extreme pov-    and now this lady has invested. She
          So, PLO Foundation started in 1990   erty or some kind of  lack where   now has firms, she’s educating her
          and it has been silent. It’s a project   they are feeling stuck, what   siblings, she’s the provider of the
          that most people don’t know about   would it be? So that they can step   family and she has not stopped what
          because Professor PLO Lumumba      out and do something to trans-     she is doing. So you can see, from a
          doesn’t like being in the limelight,   form the world around them.    thousand Kenya shillings, it doesn’t
          he likes doing things in the back-                                    matter, you don’t need to get mil-
          ground. So I must say that even    Wow! That’s a nice question. Now,   lions to make an impact.
          though it has not been in the lime-  first before answering that question
          light, it has changed lives.       I want to say that we young people   You know as the great philosopher
                                             we’re very impatient.              would say; you don’t need that much
          I’m one of those whose lives have                                     to make a change in your commu-
          been transformed by the foun-      You know you meet a young person   nity, start with whatever you have
          dation, from the mentorship that   and he wants to drive a Benz like   and then work very hard and say this
          I’ve received from Professor and   yesterday, and you know how life   is what I have, how can we move,
          through that I’ve authored four    is. You’re older than me and even   which people can support with the
          books. Besides that, he has men-   Mr. Samuel, for you to start sharing   little that we have? Because, even
          tored me and now I’m appreciating   these stories across Africa and even   God says that if you don’t work
          the values of Africa, and I came up   the globe, you’re now international,   hard even the little that you have
          with a social enterprise that empow-  it was not easy! You know getting   will be taken from you, and those
          ers young people which is called   that breakthrough was not easy.    who are working very hard will be
          Lawy Afrik Technology Limited. So   But when you meet a young person   added more. So we must move from
          what we do at Lawy is to appreciate   today, he will say  "I want you to   that culture of expecting much and
          our culture, our pride, so we make   pay me hundred thousand Kenya    you’re giving nothing, let’s work very
          African products , so what I’m     shillings.                         hard young people, that is all I can
          wearing is a product of Lawy Afrik.                                   say. Patience, focus, determination,
          That shows you that if you decide   It’s terrible Chioma, it’s very sad.   and respect to God, those are the
          to do something for young people,   Our generation is getting hit by get-  things that can take young people to
          you don’t need to pay them a lot   rich-quick schemes which I think is   the next level.
          of money, you don’t need to give   not the right way to go. I think what
          them peanuts, or give them hand-   we young people who are listening   Provided you don’t respect other
          outs. Whatever young people need   need to know is the culture of pa-  people, you don’t have that deter-
          out there is mentorship, and I think   tience, the culture of determination,   mination and patience you will not
          Professor PLO Lumumba and other    the culture of if I know that I have   reach where you want.
          great Pan-Africanists are trying their   a little, I have a thousand shillings
          best, and even you people what     what can I do with this one thou-  When I was starting the company,
          you’re doing; sharing African stories,   sand shillings if I can’t afford fifty   I didn’t have money, I was just here
          you’re inspiring, you’re telling young   thousand shillings? One thousand   and as a matter of fact, I’m not paid
          people out there that it doesn’t mat-  shillings, that is, ten dollars. What   much, so I started with whatever I
          ter their situation and they can also   can I do with ten dollars?    had. I have now received somebody
          make it.                                                              who wants to donate machines to
                                             I met a lady just the other day when   help young people so at least they
          If I was in a situation where I was   I was coming to work who has been   can start something for themselves.
          pitying myself and saying that I'm   selling towels, and she has been   So, I can tell young people they can
          an orphan, what can I do? Perhaps   selling them for eight years. This   do it as I did it.
          I would not be here. So it’s upon   lady is a graduate from the Univer-
          young people to take it upon their   sity of Nairobi and she graduated   It’s true. The power of  starting.
          hearts that they can make it.      with a Bachelor's degree in Educa-  Exactly…!
                                             tion. It's a very good degree but she
          That’s true. That’s very true. If    opted not to sit there and wait to   It’s amazing. So, how do they get
          you were to tell somebody there    be employed. She used a thousand   this book?

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    63
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