Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 59
classroom of roughly around 60%
African Americans. I don’t blame
the teacher for that lesson because,
like many others, I also had that
same thought about Africa. I felt
sorry for those children. I cannot
fathom the psychological implica-
tions that that lesson would have on
history, and we continue to witness rhymes of praise dedicated to the them. They are being told that they
its effects. This is a problem and villain of our story. A couple who is come from a lineage of savages that
needs to change. This is little more responsible for the greatest geno- were saved by Europeans. A blood-
dangerous than the disregard and cide in our history. Every Nigerian line that has contributed nothing
the normalization of oppression, it today is suffering the consequences not only to them but to the world.
numbs you to your own prejudice. of their actions. If you google “lord I felt powerless and didn’t know
You cannot enact change to some- Lugard and Flora Shaw statue” You what to do. I decided to embark
thing you have grown accustomed will see dozens of pictures of proud on a journey to learn as much as I
to due to unawareness. We are yet Nigerians standing next to a monu- can about our beautiful history and
to recognize the sacrifices of our ment dedicated to the couple, with a culture, and to show the world what
ancestors, yet we glorify colonialists. smile on their face not knowing that Africa truly is.
our country is still paying the cost
History resides in the hands of for their actions. We have a lot of work ahead of us.
those who write it. We cannot I say this not to stir up anger within
continue to allow the villain of our you, but to show you the impor- Join me on this journey where I
story to write our history. It will be tance of our history. We experience document my work and findings
written in a manner that best fits so much pain and have no idea under the YouTube channel “Akin
their bias. This has led to false narra- where it stems from. The root of Akin”. I have realized myself
tives such as, “the reason for coloni- our pain is a lack of Identity. To through my history and I believe the
zation was to spread Christianity and know where you are going, you must same can happen for every one of
to civilize Africa.” I remember being know where you have been, or else us.
taught this in school, and believe it we will continue moving in circles.
or not, this is still being taught to History is the cure to this pain.
our children today. I will get to that
in a second. Yes, through coloniza- A few months ago, during my
tion Christianity was spread across master’s program, I found myself
the continent, but make no mistake, at a high school. On my way to the
was that the reason for colonization? restroom, I overheard a lesson on
I have no patience to answer that African history. I stood anonymous-
question. Was the reason for colo- ly beside the half-open door. As an
nization to bring civilization to the African enthusiast, I am naturally
continent? Considering the exploits curious about any and everything
of Africans across the world, from pertaining to my continent. I did
Mansa Musa’s luxurious pilgrimage, not hear the entire lecture and lack
to the kings of Great Zimbabwe, the context to the framework of the
ordering the most luxurious items lesson, but what I heard was just
from halfway across the world, how enough for me to know that our
much more civilization could Eu- children are in trouble. The teacher, Akinmayowa Akinkunmi
rope bring to Africa? with the most diplomatic terms as Born in Benue state of Nigeria. I consider myself
she could muster mentioned how an African enthusiast. I enjoy learning and studying
For the sake of our children and Africa at the time was not civilized. everything in relation to my continent. There is a lot
racial esteem, we must take charge She mentioned that Europeans of misinformation in regard to Africa. It is my job
of our history and tell our story. came over and gave us clothes, to clarify and shine a light towards our untold stories.
There is nothing more shameful introduced religion, and civilization.
than our children singing nursery Mind you, she was teaching to a