Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 55

                                                                                                     MY  AFRIKA

                               HISTORY OF LIES AND


                                               By Samuel Phillips

                   ver wondered how it ap-   ies and twisted Afrikan history.   grown and have seen and read of
                   pears that every popular   I remember clearly like yesterday   the mischievous attitudes of those
                   historic place in Afrika   how when I was in primary school   who colonized Afrika, and how they
          Eare "discovered" by one           we used to sing about how Mungo    plundered our resources and then
          white man or the other? I used the   Park discovered the Niger River in   went ahead to make sure nothing
          word discovered in quotes because   our social studies class or so. It was   worth mentioning was attributed
          for me, it does not make sense that   some kind of pride back then as a   to the locals who they met when
          anyone would claim to discover     child to be told that the "almighty"   they got here. They destroyed the
          what has already been known by     white men discovered the very      true history of the Afrikan people,
          those who have interacted with the   Niger River that runs through my   demonized Afrikan creativity and
          very object of discovery. Case in   native country Nigeria. Imagine my   made sure they glorified false dis-
          time, what I call the false discovery   awe as a child when crossing the Ni-  coveries by their so-called explorers.
          of the Niger River by Mungo Park   ger River on the way to the visiting
          amongst many other false discover-  my dad's village. But now that I am   The truth about Mungo Park's

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    55
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