Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 54


          enough to tell the true story of this   million hectares. With the exception   people of Namibia do not view land

          Afrikan nation outside of it being all   of a few  urban centres  and  settle-  as their own property — rather, it is
          desert and stuff. So I must say I was   ments along the coast line, the desert   something that belongs to everyone,
          very happy when on a very bright   is not habitable due to the climatic   it becomes very important for all to
          morning while taking a walk, I heard   conditions and landscape. This situa-  understand that this particular stand
          in my spirit these words "Namibia   tion leaves only 74.3 million hectares   on land by the natives, is really one
          the land  of  peace and  restora-  of habitable land.                 of the pillars of Ubuntu which is a

          tion."                                                                major  bedrock  of Afrikanism even
          Amazing to say the least.          Namibia was a German colony from   though it  has been  abused  mostly
                                             1884 to 1914. In the decades that fol-  over time.
          Like  many other nations in Afrika,   lowed, upto independence in 1990, it   Shalom Namibia
          Namibia has, for quite a long time,   was administered  by South Africa,   I do however now say this as I have
          been dealing with the issues of land;   which imposed its oppressive system   heard, Namibia you  are a land of
          lands which were supposed to be lo-  of apartheid on the population. Dur-  peace and restoration and no power

          cal  but  found in the  hands of for-  ing this time, thousands of Namib-  on  earth will shift what you are in
          eigners or the offspring of the colo-  ians were expelled from their lands.   God. And according to  the  words
          nialists.                          To this day, a large portion remains   one of my brothers sent  to me as
                                             under the control of Germans and   I was writing this article, the  word
          Facts about Namibia                South Africans, or other foreigners:   SHALOM  means much more than
          Namibia had a projected population   approximately  70 percent  of Na-  peace. It means wholeness, wellness,

          of 2.4 million  inhabitants in 2018.   mibia's farmland is owned by whites.   well-being,  safe,  happy,  friendly,  fa-
          The population increased from      According to the Namibia Statistics   vor, completeness, to make peace,
          1.4 million in 1991, to 1.8 million in   Agency, socially disadvantaged black   peace offering, secure, to prosper, to
          2001, 2.1 million in 2011 to 2.3 mil-  or colored citizens own only 16 per-  be victorious, to be content, tranquil,
          lion people in 2016.               cent of the land.                  quiet,  and  restful. The pictographic
          The average household size had de-                                    symbols for the word shalom (shin,
          creased  from  an  average of 5.2 in   The  Namibian government  has   lamed, vav, mem) read “Destroy the

          1991, to 5.1 in 2001, to 4.4 in 2011   sought  to correct  past colonial   authority that binds  to chaos.”
          and 3.9 persons in 2016.           wrongs and  pursue social equality.   The noun shalom is derived from the
          Administratively, the  country is di-  Up until now, white farmers only had   verbal root shalam, which means “to
          vided into 14 regions:             to sell their lands back to the state on   restore,” in the sense of replacing or
          Zambezi, Kavango East;  Kavango    a voluntary basis. But this principle   providing what is needed in order to
          West,  Kunene, Ohangwena, Omu-     had not worked. By 2020, Namibia   make someone or something whole

          sati, Oshana,  and  Oshikoto in  the   planned to return 43 percent of its   and complete. So shalom is used to
          north;  Omaheke,  Otjozondjupa,    15  million hectares  of farmland to   describe those who have been pro-
          Erongo, and Khomas in central      the black population. At the end of   vided all that is needed to be whole
          Namibia; and Hardap and //Kharas   2015,  only 27  percent  of the  land   and complete and break off all au-
          in  the south. The country has  121   was redistributed,  according to the   thority that would attempt to bind us
          constituencies.                    Namibia Agricultural Union.        to chaos.
          Along the coast  line is the  Namib
          Desert which accounts for about 8.1   In a country  where  the  indigenous   SHALOM SHALOM NAMIBIA!

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