Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 53
Cover Story
Samuel Phillips
The land of peace and restoration
echnically speaking food and water is available. Same way I have never been to Namibia even
and from the place of we must understand that for a people though I definitely would love to, but
common sense, it re- to have lost their lands to foreigners I have, many times, seen articles and
Tally makes no sense and their pride to aliens for whatever photos of this beautiful Afrikan na-
to call a nation the nation of peace reasons, means that there is the pos- tion. Sometimes I get a bit upset with
when it seems like all that happens sibility of a restoration of all that has the kind of photos I see; photos of
in that nation is really the opposite been lost. For it is not possible to deserts, broken down vehicles in the
of peace. It's also difficult to speak restore what has not first been lost desert, indigenous tribes portrayed
of a nation as the nation of resto- or stolen. as primitive and ignorant, drought
ration when from all indications, afflicted lands and the many other
the people of that land really don't This is the case with Namibia, the things that portray a Namibia that
have much of anything to call their land which is now declared to be the has no single form of development
own. But permit me to say that from land of peace and where the restora- and modernism. And I am not say-
the standpoint of wisdom, if there tion that is promised to Afrika, will ing that development and modern-
is hunger or thirst, it simply means greatly manifest. And this restoration ism the way we have it right now is
there is water and food somewhere. is not just for Namibia but for every the accurate measure of growth but
Hunger or thirst are the proof that nation of both inland and island Af- that at least someone should be kind