Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 48
• Meru county is county number
ative, inspirational and revelatory I felt sad we have lost our own 12 of 47 of the Republic of Kenya.
moments of my life. I read some authenticity and freedom. Even our
interesting materials on history and thoughts and our voices are no-lon- • The origin of the word ‘Meru’ is
philosophy. I read a booklet by a ger truly our own. We live a life of believed to come from the Maasai
Roman philosopher, Seneca, On fear and suspense, always worried people who referred to Tigania
the Shortness of Life, which argued about what others will think or say and Imenti forests as the mieru
that our lives are not short; we only about us. We are constantly listening forests or simply the quiet forests.
waste them with irrelevant things. to rumours and scanning the politi-
He showed how we allow our lives cal weather so that we can always be • Meru county is made up of nine
to be “stolen” by others, and how, politically correct and always be on constituencies : Igembe south,
gripped by insatiable greed for mon- the winning side. Igembe central, Igembe north,
ey and power, we dedicate our lives Tigania west ,Tigania east, North
to useless tasks. He showed how The coronavirus break gave me an Imenti, Buuri, Central Imenti,
political leaders are worn out by opportunity to take stock of my and South Imenti.
political ambitions, self-imposed ser- own personal political journey. Pol-
vitude, and a life of display. He said itics had robbed me of my life and • Meru town is the capital of Meru
our lives are “caught in the whirl- my voice. Sometimes, it had robbed county, in eastern Kenya. It is lo-
winds and storms, carried hither and me of my freedom of thought. I cated approximately 225 kilome-
hither, and driven round and round had become obsessed with winning. ters north east of Kenya's capital,
in circles by the rage of opposing In doing so, I had advocated and Nairobi.
winds”. This is very true of my life. fought for ideas and anxieties which
My life had been ‘stolen’ from me were not genuinely my own. I had • Meru county wraps partly around
by politics and social pressures. given in too much to political and Mt. Kenya, the second highest
social expectations of others. mountain in Afrika and is home
As I read this book, I watched with to Themwe Gate, an access point
pity a frail Raila Odinga, who was Had I died of coronavirus, I would to camping, and some of the most
being treated for a Covid-19 attack, have died alone. All that noise and scenic sections of the foothills
being literally “dragged out of bed” bustle of politics would continue of the mountain, including Lake
so that he and the President could without me. Ellis.
be seen together opening roads in
Nairobi and Kajiado — for political I made a decision to appreciate • The equator passes through the
optics, to show Kenyans that the myself and to reclaim my life. From Meru county. The county is not
“Handshake deal” between the two now on, I would follow the desires only agriculturally rich, but sce-
was still intact. of my heart. I would ignore all the nically stunning with rivers, hills
noise, the psychological burdens of and vistas that would blow your
Raila’s health came second. Poli- friendship and idiocies of politics. mind. Camping, hiking, tours,
tics came first. His life had been I, too, have a fundamental duty to photography and other treats
‘stolen’ from him. He was living a live a happy and decent life in the await the curious adventurer in
life of display. He was caught up remaining years of my life. Meru county.
in the endless winds and storms of
politics. I promised myself to pursue my Partially sourced from:
This was clear demonstration of dreams without seeking approval
how politics has robbed politi- from anybody. I thank coronavirus
cians of their lives. Our lives are for helping me to find myself, and
no longer our own. We have been to liberate me from ‘others’.
estranged and alienated even from
ourselves. We are permanently on
stage, making impressions, seeking
to be liked and approved by others.
We live a life of endless pretences.
We are too psychologically terrified
to think and act independently.
48 | we tell the true afrikan story