Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 44


          Your African brother or sister     and the other is from without.     ern powers. Since a group of
          will later get employed in a poor,                                    them rule with iron fists, you as
          racially segregated job which is   2. Empowerment through             an African citizen should relent-
          way below his or her vast amount   Good Leadership                    lessly demand for a better deal
          of qualifications and even made    Have you ever heard of the say-    in leadership as opposed to the
          to work for longer hours. So who   ing; ‘Give a man a fish and you    status quo. Power always belongs
          is fooling who?                    will feed him for a day. Teach a   to the people, and there have
                                             man how to fish and he will feed   been several case studies of how
          Now as a blessed African how       for a lifetime’? Well, I chose to   citizens from different countries
          do you reprogram? You need         disruptively go further from this   in the world, Africa included that
          to unshackle yourself from the     by saying; ‘Empower the man        ceaselessly demanded for fresh
          chains of religious dogma and      to own a lake, and he will feed    and competent leadership till
          education of mind control and      generations after him.’            eventually their voices and efforts
          liberate yourself to the truth.                                       were rewarded.
          I am talking about a complete      Global Finance Magazine 2020       These, solutions are just but a
          mind reset, which is not easy but   Figures, present that out of      skeleton of the bigger picture.
          very achievable. As an African     the 20 poorest countries in the    You may add more to them if
          you need to revisit your heritage   world, 16 of them are in Africa.   you like. Just remember that the
          of what makes you uniquely         If you are curious like me, you    net impact of such discussions
          diverse and use it as your basis of   would ask yourself this critical   is to shift your focus from the
          turnaround from: inferiority to    question; how is it that a con-    impossible to possible, from
          superiority, poverty to richness.   tinent endowed with so much       a self-perception of weakness
          As an African you should feel      wealth and resources, would        to strength. From feelings of
          better about your skin colour as   be classified as the poorest in    inferiority to those of superiority.
          opposed to resorting to bleaching   the world? Without a shadow       To take it a notch higher, I long
          your melanin.                      of doubt, this is as a result of   to see the day that you will get rid
          You should celebrate your rich     incompetent leadership in those    of the word CAN’T from your
          tribe, language and culture. You   given countries. Could it also be   vocabulary and replace it with
          should never shy away from call-   the knowledge and skills acquired   CAN because you are an able
          ing your children by their won-    through their system of educa-     Afri-CAN.
          derful African names as opposed    tion compare less favorably, and   The author is a mentor, trainer and writer bear-
          to English names. I mean this is   do not empower learners to use   ing adequate experiences in business development
          our identity we are talking about   their outcomes to make an im-
          here. Being an African demands     pact toward wealth creation?           and brand management success.
          that you also take pride in your                            
          well-crafted traditional African   Whatever it is, it is safe to say
          attire and plaited hair. The Afri-  that there is an elite, leaders in
          can spirit is to view your fellow   African countries that thrive in
          African as a brother or sister, but   chaos and impoverishing their
          never as an enemy. You know        citizens. The best solution to this
          what is more? You should con-      is for you as an African citizen
          nect deeply to your own spiritu-   to follow leaders based on their
          ality like that of your ancestors   ideologies rather than by their
          as opposed to only sticking by     appetite for looting. Interest-
          religion. I am not implying that   ingly, some of these corrupt
          religion is bad, but there is a stark   handout-giving incompetent
          difference between spiritualism    puppet leaders have been handed
          and religion. One is from within   down to Africans by the West-

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