Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 42
What an Afri- CAN- Do?
By Robert Macharia
t is a privilege to be an your guess is as good as mine, Over 30% of the world’s global
African. I can say that again for there are numerous advan- minerals that include gold, dia-
that it is a great privilege tages or benefits that an African monds, cobalt and iron are found
Ibeing an African and living person enjoys to the disadvan- in Africa. Notwithstanding, the
as one. Then if this is so, why tage of other races which, in fact continent has 20 countries that
are there always persistent acts when fully accepted and guarded, produce crude oil, with output
of violent aggression, racism and would be the first turning point concentrated in 5 of those coun-
distaste towards black African from the way the world views an tries which are: Algeria, Angola,
people? To effectively answer African. Nigeria, Egypt, and Libya- who,
this question, it is only fair that between them, account for over
I respond with another related Just to highlight a few privileg- 80% of Africa’s oil production.
question; why is it that a good es that differentiate the African • Africa is ideally located in
person who has a good thing continent from the rest: the best geographical position for
always becomes the face of ridi- • The African continent is trade with other continents like
cule and negative criticism? Well, the richest in natural resources. Europe, Middle East and Asia.
42 | we tell the true afrikan story