Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 43
The East coast of the Indian endless. Africans have the best all victims of this westernized
Ocean is life to several ports competitive edge, both econom- culture to the point that Africans
used for trade in good arriving ically and socially to make them tend to believe that there is noth-
through cargo ships. Due to the respected and appreciated for ing good that can come out from
increased activities by the region- their many forms of contribution Africa. I hope Africans would
al trade blocs within Africa, it is towards the global economy and understand that there are millions
established that when African ecosystem. of noble Africans within their
countries trade with themselves lineage that got tortured, lynched,
they exchange more manufac- Therefore, if this is the case, raped, murdered and suffered a
tured and processed goods, have what is it that an African can do great deal as slaves just so that
more knowledge transfer, and to reverse the common, but neg- subsequent generations would
create more value. ative world-view, which portrays enjoy their freedoms. These
him or her as poor and inferior gallant men and women were
• Africa’s population to the rest. By world-view, Africa robbed of their land, wealth,
growth rate is the fastest in the very well falls into this category. heritage, freedom and identity. As
world, expected to increase by Yes, Africans play the chief role a matter of fact, Africa has often
roughly 50% from 1.2 billion in changing this view. Charity be- been referred to as the ‘dark
people today to over 1.8 billion gins at home, so let me take you continent’, for it is said it has no
by 2035 according to the Institute through two recipe solutions that proper documented history. By
for Security Studies (ISS issue would lead Africans to the right all means this is hogwash, since
2017; Africa’s population boom: conversations: Africa’s system of education has
burden or opportunity?). It is been authored by the very same
further argued that by 2035 sub- 1. Serious Mindset and Repro- colonial masters. Why would any
Saharan Africa will still be the gramming African be subjected to lots of
youngest in the world. Therefore, There is a saying that reads; “If years of learning which only lead
such tremendous potential by its a man is born ignorant, to parents her to menial jobs? This is a case
working population is unmatched that are ignorant, in a society that of inferior education for inferior
world over. is ignorant, lives a life of ignorance, opportunities.
and eventually dies in ignorance…
• Being the second- largest then, ignorance is the norm. Thus, Have you ever come across any
continent and the most diverse in indoctrination can be called education, African immigrant traveling over-
the world, Africa has over 3000 hypnotism can be called entertainment, seas for greener pastures carrying
ethnic groups/ tribes and 2000 criminals can be called leaders, and lies with him a big portfolio of high
spoken languages. Besides, Africa can be called truth, because his mind academic qualifications only to
is home to a rich and diverse was never truly his own.” arrive in that country and be in-
animal, plant, and marine biodi- formed that those qualifications
versity, which forms part of the Did you know that black igno- which they heavily invested in
continent’s economic backbone. rance is a multi-billion dollar and took several years to accom-
Historically, more than 60% of industry? Carefully take a look plish, are but inferior to his host
the population of sub- Saharan around and you will realize that country's system of education?
Africa is made up of smallhold- American and European in- What a pity. You know what
er farmers who, through their dustries have made and are still happens next, your very quali-
different forms of agriculture, making fortunes selling what is fied brother or sister is forced to
contribute about 23% of sub- originally African. The funny reapply, learn and get examined
Saharan Africa’s GDP (McKinsey fact is that China is also doing to achieve the same qualifications
& Company, 2019: Winning in the same thing right around the he or she previously had. What a
Africa’s agricultural market). block. This is the tragic truth painful price to pay. That is not
We can agree that this list is of mental slavery. That we are the end of story.