Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 47

                                                                                                     MY  AFRIKA
                                                                                          HEALTH & HEALING

          The second phase in my corona-     said I was dead. It didn’t matter
          virus cycle was acceptance and     since I was alive. I got to read most   The beautiful thing about this phase
          treatment. The doctors gave me     of the goodwill messages after I was   is that the pain, fatigue, fever and
          hope but I could see they were not   discharged.                      confusion were gone. Apart from
          definite. They were trying their best.                                confinement at home, and the fre-
          This was a scientific and medical   I was informed by my staff that the   quent interruption by the nurse, life
          phase involving consultants, doctors,   churches and clergy in Meru had   was almost normal.
          nurses, and the medicines they pre-  held prayers for me. One message
          scribed. I had no real fight against   read that God would restore my   Coronavirus should not only be
          coronavirus. I became fatalistic,   health and heal my wounds and I   seen in negative terms. It turned out
          ready for any outcome.             would go out “leaping like calves   to be one of the best, and most ful-
                                             released from the stall”.          filling times of my life. I enjoyed a
          I was taken through a very strict                                     “Corona Holiday”. For the first time
          regimen of treatment and drugs like   Their prayers were answered on   in many years, I found myself all
          Vitamin D360k, Zinc Remdesivir,    Monday, March 22, when I was dis-  alone, reflecting about my life and
          Parafusiv, Ivermectin, Dexameth-   charged, to continue my treatment   my future. I enjoyed the warmth,
          asone, Chlorhexidine, Xarelto,     at home, but I was not yet out of   love and friendship of my wife
          and Novarapid. The nurses kept a   the woods. The test still showed I   Priscilla, my children, and my close
          round-the- clock vigil. They kept   was Covid-19 positive, but I was not   family members, without any exter-
          monitoring my oxygen uptake,       in any pain.                       nal interferences. I also had time to
          temperature, blood sugar, and blood                                   read, watch TV, and follow politics
          pressure every two hours for six   I owe my life to God, Dr           on social media, like other ordinary
          days.                              Mwongera, my brother Dr Miriti, Dr   Kenyans. I took time to take stock
                                             Silverstein and team of doctors and   of my political life and to tidy up
          For me at this point, nothing really   nurses who performed the scientific   some loose ends in my thinking.
          mattered. Corona had disconnected   miracle. I have heard some people
          me from everything. It put me out   being congratulated for winning a   This phase of coronavirus turned
          of action. I felt weak and useless.   “heroic battle” against Covid-19.   out to be one of the most cre
          The news of Tanzania’s President   This is a self-delusion, I did nothing.
          John Magufuli’s funeral ceremonies   I didn’t fight. At the hospital I just
          on TV only reminded me of the      followed the doctors’ and nurses’
          possibility of my own death; my    orders. I didn’t even know what they
          final exit from this world.        were giving me. I was too weak and
                                             subdued. It was a very humbling     I did not have the usu-
          Magufuli had a great send-off. How   experience for me. If I died, that
          would my exit be? I kept asking my-  would be it. Everything would be   al Covid-19 symptoms
          self. Is this my final un-ceremonial   irrelevant to me. You cannot defeat   like coughing or sneez-
          exit from the world? I kept praying   death. Even Lazarus who was raised
          that I don’t die, until 2022 when   from the dead, eventually died again.  ing, but I was feeling
          I will be 70. At least I would have
          attained the optimum Biblical age.  The third coronavirus cycle was     extremely tired, had a
                                             more friendly. It was in home iso-  severe back-ache, indi-
          My phone was full of email, SMS    lation because I was still positive.
          and WhatsApp get-well messages     I continued with treatment and       gestion and a bloated
          from family, friends, workmates,   convalescence. I was put under a
          political colleagues, and even from   home-care nurse who continued to   stomach. To put it in
          my political opponents. Coronavirus   administer my drugs and monitor   layman’s language, I
          had brought us together. When you   my oxygen, blood pressure and
          fall sick or you die, suddenly you   blood-sugar levels every three hours.   was not really myself. I
          become everyone’s friend.          I found it difficult to sleep on my
                                             tummy with oxygen tubes in my       just pushed and forced
          A few Facebook posts said I was in   nostrils, but after a week I got used   my body to work.
          the Intensive Care Unit, and some   to it.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    47
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