Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 39
relevant in Mexico, which has an naturally contains about 7 grams of
especially high rate of consumption fructose, along with 3.5 grams of
of soft drinks and where obesity is fiber and several key nutrients. By
rising faster than anywhere else in contrast, a 12-ounce can of soda
the world.” sweetened with high fructose corn
syrup contains about 22.5 grams of
He goes on to explain that weight is fructose, with no fiber or nutrients.
also affected by gut microbiota the
proportions and diversity of which The fluid and fiber in fresh fruit (in
are determined in the first three addition to the volume and chewing
years of life and can be negatively involved) also positively impact full-
affected by the use of antibiot- ness and satiety. In other words, the
ics in infancy. He says, “There is amount and form of the fructose – which is why what Paul Gautschi
increasing evidence that the use you consume matter.” In a separate said just stuck with me and why
of antibiotics, both in infancy and article she had this to say, “Added what I saw in his video made me
thereafter, can contribute to obesity. sugars are anything sweet put into review what I thought I knew. Sugar,
This should not come as a surprise, a food for flavor, from the sugar in as created, is not evil, harmful or
because one of the chief reasons store-bought ketchup to the honey dangerous – sugar as man-put-his-
for the overuse of antibiotics is you spoon into your tea. (Yes, "natu- hand-in-it and then defended and
that they are so often fed to farm ral" sweeteners count.) These sugars then concealed the dangers of in
animals not to combat infection but are concentrated and mostly devoid order to make profit off the target
solely to promote weight gain.” of nutrients. Although honey, maple market… well – you can make that
syrup and the like have some health- judgment for yourself.
Wrapping up ful antioxidants and minerals, they
As you can see, MH sugar is not the still pack hefty doses of sweetener A lot of the things that we try to
only thing causing problems in the per spoonful. This means you get a flood our plates with are brightly
human body, or causing weight gain lot of pure sugar—and calories—in colored artificially, have rich aro-
(the antibiotics thing really caught a small portion, making it easy to go mas through artificial means and
my attention). Also people are still overboard and cause big problems.” are loaded with a range of artificial
trying to understand what causes As you’ve read through this con- flavors in order to give us some kind
this whole weight gain thing – typ- versation (I call it that because your of satisfaction that, is… artificial.
ical of man and modern science to insight and feedback are welcome), Funnily enough, the colors, aromas
assume they can figure out this com- hopefully you’ve seen what I saw and flavors that man puts his hand
plex system of ours using a ‘blind when I did my pause and check. I in and makes his creations mimic
men and the elephants’ approach. saw that what God made is good are what are found in nature. In
Even though MH sugar is not the because it is whole and it is nourish- the process of that mimicry and
only villain – it is a villain. But there ing. It is sweet, rich in fiber, water, enhancement… disaster! Including
are ways to escape its nasty ways vitamins, minerals and antioxidants using artificial taste buds engineered
– reduce or eliminate its intake. and helps get you full as well as sat- from aborted fetal cells to make sure
As always, the responsibility and isfied. On the other hand, man-put- they get the flavors ‘just right’. I kid
therefore the ability to deal with the his-hand-in-it-sugar as with many you not.
issue lie with the individual. Simply other man-put-his-hand-in-it prod-
stop buying it and using it and train ucts, technologies and so on, has So, it’s not just sugar that suffers
your body to be satisfied with what some issues. For me the fact that my from MH, but sugar just gave us a
actually blesses it and builds it up. tongue has the capacity to differenti- sweet, sweet reason to have this nice
I read an article by Cynthia Sass on ate sweet, salty, hot (peppery), tangy long conversation. where she said, “While and so on, tells me that my natural
fruit is a natural source of fructose, food was designed to give me all Sources: Wikipedia,, healthline.
the sweetener is also bundled with those amazing taste sensations with- com,, Mindvalley (FB page),
fiber, water, vitamins, minerals, and out any side effects, meaning that,, Britanni-
antioxidants. And in fresh fruit the what is naturally existing is meant to,,
fructose isn't concentrated. For be sweet and delightful to our palate
example, one cup of blueberries in addition to salty, peppery, tangy