Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 36
to the fulfillment of your role upon look at it again and see how to make humans; they… the ones who be-
the earth – it’s cool. But if you’re it better fit the Afrikan context. God lieve we are animals. I’m not. They
wearing red because “That’s what bless that man, I’m so grateful he also say, “Carbohydrates are formed
they do on Val’s!” We need to talk. had me pause and relook because it by green plants from carbon dioxide
Forex trading, Bitcoin trading, veg- helped me to just start this conver- and water during the process of
anism, vegetarianism, low fat, keto, sation with you from scratch. photosynthesis. Carbohydrates serve
no fat, paleo, some new workout as energy sources and as essential
regimen, this gym, that meditation, I’ve learnt that whenever there are structural components in organisms;
this pastor, that prophet, breed- opposing viewpoints on a subject in addition, part of the structure of
ing quail, selling quail’s eggs, body matter it is better to step aside from nucleic acids, which contain genetic
butter, natural soaps and whatever both/all, pause and understand information, consists of carbohy-
else there is out there come and take what’s going on, rather than to pick drate.”
the world by storm. Oh so and so is a side and that’s what happened So sugar – real, original sugar – is
doing this and they are making good when I started to write this. I found naturally occurring in plants and
money, let’s try it. Oh one person it was like the dairy debate – on the serves as an energy source, an es-
or the other has done this and they issue of animal milk, some health sential structural component… I’m
lost so much weight, let’s try it. Oh experts say, ‘it is not good for you, not talking about the one in your
everyone is doing – let’s do! Do you stay away from it’ – other health sugar jar, I’m talking generally about
know what that is? Herd mentality. experts say, ‘raw animal milk is very sugar, which is: glucose, fructose,
beneficial as long as the animal is galactose, lactose, sucrose, maltose
So when veganism became a thing healthy, grass-fed and not stuffed and starch in all their mono, di and
I started to watch what was hap- with antibiotics and other things’ polysaccharide complexities in their
pening around it to see if I could and the dairy industry says – ‘drink natural form. That’s sugar. Because
pinpoint the source and purpose. our milk, it’s fantastic!’ Then you that’s where they get you with their
I saw people, some who benefited think back to what our people did very clever advertising and paid
immensely healthwise from going back in the day and how cows, goats editorials.
off meat, I heard those who said and camels were delivering the white
that God’s original plan was for us stuff to families for generations and Okay. Then we come to the thing
to only eat the plants, and then I you go, “Hmm!” So it is with sugar, that man did which we shall refer to
saw the Hollywoodians (society calls there are those who say, ‘it’s evil, as man-put-his-hand-in-it-sugar or
them Hollywood Stars – I don’t)… to be entirely avoided at all costs in MH Sugar, for short - for purposes
the Hollywoodians emerged from all its forms organic or not’, others of this article. MH Sugar’s aim is
the woodwork pushing the vegan say, ‘raw sugar is beneficial, it is only to sweeten dishes for domestic and
lifestyle and connecting it to the minimally processed’ and the sugar industrial purposes. A lovely lady
other thing they don’t want you to industry is like – ‘use our sugar called Rosemary, who I’ve known
look to closely at – climate change it’s great! Sugar even comes from for a large number of years, told
and global warming and I said, “Oh. plants!’ me recently how they used to use
That’s PR 101. Put your message in sugarcane in the village when she
somebody else’s mouth a.k.a. 3rd So many interests, so much both- was growing up. It was kind of the
party endorsement.” They won’t tell er… so what on earth is sugar? I way people use lemongrass. Wash
you about the heat being generated had to start right at the beginning it, peel it, chop it up into small bits
by underwater volcanoes and stuff, to sort through the mess. I went and toss it in the pot with the tea
but they will say the temperatures to and they said: and boil it. You can smash it a bit
are going up and the farting cows “Sugar, any of numerous sweet, co- so it gives up its sweet essence. It
and bulls of the beef and dairy lourless, water-soluble compounds worked to sweeten the brew quite
industries are a major cause – even present in the sap of seed plants and nicely. This other thing people do
while China is creating a sun hotter the milk of mammals and making now was not known to them. It
than the one God made. But that’s up the simplest group of carbohy- seems it was the Indians from Asia
not today’s article. drates. The most common sugar is who discovered how to create some
sucrose, a crystalline tabletop and form of crystallized sugar from cane
So, when we found an article online industrial sweetener used in foods juice (for ease of transportation)
on sugar that I wanted to publish and beverages.” Mammals… that’s that made the world realize that this
verbatim, my husband asked me to the grouping where they also put could actually be a thing. It became
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