Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 35

                                                                                              Health & Healing


                                                 Chioma Phillips

                     h, Sugar!              ganically grown, non-GMO food that   me!). Whatever the exact words
                                            has very low nutrient quality or even   of his comment were – you can
                     I watched a docu-      trace chemical elements and what he   find them in the video – they just
         Omentary called Back               shares can actually help remedy that.   stuck with me. Allow me to explain
          to Eden on the backtoedenfilm.    So, what does that have to do with   why… in my own roundabout way.
          com website (it’s also available on   sugar? Well, visitors to his farm are
          YouTube). The film documents      allowed to forage and sample some   I hate fads. I hate trends. I hate
          various aspects of Paul Gautschi   of the fruit and vegetables that he   them. I hate them because more of-
          the American gardener and arbor-  grows using his no-till, little or no   ten than not the people participat-
          ist’s successful efforts to restore   watering method and every reaction,   ing in fads and trending things and
          a type of farming that produces   every single time is, “Mmm that’s   whatnot are doing so in order to fit
          nutrient-dense, organic foods. It’s   sweet!” Also, the fruit and vegetables   into something or so as not to miss
          really inspiring and when you have   are just dripping with water from the   out on something. In other words,
          some time to spare I highly recom-  inside. When he was commenting    they are not acting out of their
          mend that you watch it. He also   about it, he said, that is the natural   own judgment, preference, identity,
          sells heirloom seeds in case you’re   way of things, the sweetness in the   purpose, mandate… nothing! It is
          interested. No, he doesn’t know me   plants. God created it that God wants   mindlessness like this that is fin-
          – I’m just really passionate about   us to enjoy the sweetness of the earth   ishing Afrika and the world. See, if
          life being restored to the earth. Just   (Mr Gautschi, if you are reading this,   you take part in some fad or trend
          as an aside, you may be eating or-  I may have paraphrased a lot, forgive   because it contributes in some way

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 12  | M A Y/JUNE  2021  35
                                                                                ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021
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