Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 38

          HEAL TH &  HEALING
           MY AFRIKA

          According to Prof Peter Saunders,   how hard it can be to lose a few   number of calories in your meal.
          “While sugar has always been part   pounds, and if you do, how hard   To allow for this, nutritionists have
          of the human diet, it is only in   it is to keep yourself from gaining   developed the glycaemic index (GI),
          modern times that we have started   it back. That is because there are   a ranking of carbohydrates accord-
          to consume large amounts of free   mechanisms that actively regulate   ing to the extent to which they
          sugars, i.e. sugars that have been to   your weight. It’s as though your   raise blood sugar levels after being
          some extent refined. This includes   body decides what your weight    eaten. High GI foods such as those
          the sugar that we add when we      should be, and does its best to    containing free sugars and also pota-
          are cooking or put into our tea or   counter any change in how much   toes, white bread and white rice, are
          coffee, and the surprisingly large   you eat or how active you are. So   broken down quickly and cause rap-
          amounts that manufacturers add to   it’s not just a matter of subtracting   id increases and then decreases in
          soft drinks, sweets and also other   the energy you use               blood sugar. Low GI foods, includ-
          foods we don’t generally think of   in exercise                       ing most fruit and vegetables, pulses
          as sweet, such as many ready-made   from the                          and wholegrain foods, are digested
          meals. A tablespoon of ketchup     calo-                              and absorbed slowly, and the rises
          contains roughly a teaspoon of free   ries                            and falls in blood sugar are smaller
          sugar and a single tin of soft drink   in                             and slower. That makes these foods
          may contain as much as ten tea-    the                                 better for weight con-
          spoons. The sugars in fruit juice and   food                            trol because they
          honey are also free; in honey the   you                                 help control
          refining has been done by the bees.   eat.                                appetite and
          Free sugars have to be considered   The                                    delay hun-
          separately from those naturally pres-  question                             ger. They
          ent in fully unrefined forms because   is also                              are also
          they have a greater effect on health.”  about how                            better
                                             what you eat                                for
          In his article, Professor Saunders   and what you
          goes on to explain that the WHO    do affect the
          recommended a daily intake of free   weight con-
          sugars as less than 10% of total   trolling mecha-
          energy intake with a conditional rec-  nisms, and despite
          ommendation that the proportion    years of research
          should be less than 5%. 5% would   we still have only a
          translate to about 6 teaspoons of   partial understanding
          free sugars per day for anyone 11   of them… walking for
          years or older and less for young   an extra 20 minutes every
          children. He says further that the   day isn’t going to take 15
          food industry (whose fortunes are   pounds off if you keep it
          obviously firmly tied to those of the   up for a year, whatever the food   di-
          sugar industry) has been lobbying   industry says. While we don’t yet
          against the WHO recommendations    know how weight is regulated, we   abet-
          saying that the real problem is too   do understand how some of the   ics, by the
          little exercise and that calories are   mechanisms work. For example,   way, because they
          just calories therefore sugars should   when your blood glucose is low, you   also do not cause large increases in
          not be singled out in general nor   feel hungry. After you have eaten,   insulin levels.
          soft drinks in particular, saying that   your blood glucose rises and you   This illustrates why free sugars have
          a can of Coca-Cola has calories    no longer feel hungry, so you stop   been so important in the rise of
          equivalent to two slices of whole   eating. This clearly contributes to   obesity. The worldwide increase in
          wheat bread that can be burnt off   matching your food intake to the   the consumption of soft drinks has
          by a brisk 20-minute walk.         amount of energy you are using.    been especially important because
                                                                                we seem to be able to drink large
          Saunders has this to say in rebuttal,   The rise in blood sugar does not,   quantities without dulling our
          “Neither argument stands up. Think   however, depend only on the      appetites. This has been especially

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