Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 66
Road trip Afrika
Ajayikehinde Belteshazaar Ametu
The return
By Chioma Phillips
Marsabit Calling line was either too expensive or not whatever could fit in the car and
My husband and I had felt Marsabit available. But, we prepared anyway. head for Nairobi. I prayed and I felt
calling us for some time. We first Before long, we were just days away so strongly that God could give us
visited in 2017 (you can read about from our journey; suddenly it was as a loophole within the new require-
that here) and were so drawn to this if the world conspired against us. A ments and that we needed to be
town on the mountain, bathed in new lockdown was announced that ready to use it. As we had already
cool mists... so when we felt the pull would prevent us from travelling to given notice, we simply updated
again this year, we started to make Marsabit. the owner that based on the latest
plans. We downsized and got rid announcement we would be leav-
of anything that would have been Given the ambiguity in the language ing a few days earlier than planned.
a load, bought things that would of the latest Covid provisions, and Within two hours, we were packed
help store things while on the move. since we had already given no- and we were in Nairobi by the new
We had no clue where we would be tice where we lived, we took the curfew hours, having dropped one
staying as everything we found on- split-second decision to pack up item off along the way. The whole
66 | we tell the true afrikan story