Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 71

                                                                                                   MY AFRIKA

          to lower ground. That would have   Good thing too because these were   near the lower entrance to the camp-
          placed it a little over 100 meters   some big, round and well-fed indi-  site where the troop was coming
          from where we were. It made a low   viduals. I don’t think they know how   from keeping an eye on us in case
          call or series of calls in its throat.   strong they are because they could   we did anything they didn’t like and
          Later that night, I heard a number   easily                have       watching the troop making sure that
          of animals calling to one                                   over-     all members were accounted for and
          another                                                     pow-      had passed before joining the tail
                                                                       ered     end of the queue itself. It was only
                                                                       us       our three rogue baboons hidden
                                                                                in the trees that this baboon didn’t

                                                                                As we had our breakfast, we heard
                                                                                the sound of a single gunshot ring
                                                                                through the air. I stood up to see
                                                                                whether what was being shot at was
                                                                                heading in our direction – ready to
                                                                                take shelter in the Chariot ... but
                                                                                nothing showed. We called Jacinta
                                                                                and she told us that the baboons
                                                                                were bothering them and they had
                                                                     based      fired a shot to get them to scatter.
                                                   on strength, agility and num-  We finished our meal, washed up,
                                 in the      bers. They were pouring through the   packed up and headed out. Back
                distance for quite some time,   camp. I think there were over 100   at the ranger station, we found the
          they didn’t sound like herbivores;   in this troop alone. Three of them   damage the baboons had caused to
          I woke my husband for that one. I   took perch in a tree nearby. They   some of the equipment on a new
          don’t know what they were. I cau-  were trying to figure out how to get   museum and educational facility that
          tioned my bladder not to make any   their paws on our eggs and leftover   the KWS is constructing. Cheeky
          demands on me in the wee hours     pilau and chips. We didn’t give them   baboons!
          of the night... it ignored me, so I   an inch though and they eventually
          ignored it back.                   left in a hurry as soon as the rest of   We had only paid for two nights, so
                                             their troop vanished up the pathway   we were heading off ... and good
          The morning found us well; we got   towards the rangers’ base.        thing too because it was a public
          up, sorted out bladder issues and                                     holiday and they were expecting
          showered. As I was getting ready to   It was interesting watching them   more locals to be there for the bon-
          shower I heard a loud squeal and a   interact with each other. The troop   fire that night. It is thrilling to know
          bang and I peeped through the grill   marched through for about half an   that locals make use of such won-
          and took note that some baboons    hour because they were that many   derful facilities available to them. I
          were traveling through the campsite,   and they kept stopping to forage   hope they see and enjoy the natural
          quarreling with each other, stopping   for food. They had a disciplinarian   beauty that we did because there are
          to pick up food from the trash left   who would go through the ranks,   many treasures hidden in that park.
          behind by users of the facility. I saw   correcting behavior it didn’t like and   The KWS rangers told us that there
          my husband holding his big wood-   hurrying the dawdlers in their midst   is a special campsite near Lake
          en staff in readiness for anything.   along. Big beefy baboons would be   Paradise that we would like to try
          There was nothing left to do but   running from the discipline master   someday. It has none of the ameni-
          finish my shower and head down     squealing in a panic. Babies were   ties of the other campsites. This one
          to our campsite, walking as tall and   playfully running around or being   is a real back to nature deal. Are you
          big and boldly as I could. I wore my   carried. Other members of the   up for it?
          towel around my shoulders and it   troop took elevated positions on
          would flap around in the wind. The   the rooftop of the washroom and
          baboons didn’t seem to like that so   outdoor kitchen area scanning for
          they made some room as I walked.   trouble and one character set up

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    71
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