Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 74
spaces. Things that are tools to
empower and restore us as Afrikans
to our rightful place. We have been
pointing out that:
1. The continent of Afrika
is beautiful, richly resourced and
abundant in all things we need as
Afrikans to build ourselves into the
powerhouse we are meant to be;
2. Our people are amazing,
strong, wise, intelligent, innovative,
creative and well able to drive Af-
rika’s growth agenda to the heights
that it should attain;
3. Our numbers are our
advantage and if we come together, 7. Afrika needs to turn in- of the games and the propaganda
we can do more than we have ever wards and build, together, in harmo- being worked against us, it would
dreamed of; ny and in a way that is sustainable. be a different story. What remains is
Each country harnessing its best a call that was made in one of our
resource and providing its solutions videos to the Afrikan leadership to
4. Our young people need to
be given every strength to articulate in a complementary way with others choose to courageously expose the
themselves because within them lie to build a cohesive whole; truth to their citizens and educate
the solutions, the courage and the the populace on what is really going
freshness that the continent needs 8. The countries of the West on in the world around them. To
right now. That the older genera- and the East are NOT our friends. transform #1.3billionstrong Afri-
tion should not see the young ones They are NOT looking to make us kans into empowered, independent
as trouble makers because they are sustainable, independent, healthy thinkers and leaders who cannot be
asking questions and seeking for or whole. They are only looking to intimidated in any forum, to make
change but that instead of trying to further subjugate and control us, for Afrika such an imposing and im-
stiffle them, they should be trained their own benefit; pressive force, that the global bullies
in how the world really works and will have no choice but to turn and
then be unleashed as a force for 9. Afrika can overcome this negotiate with Afrika rather than
change, if it just drops the foolishness of slay the vocal Afrikans one by one –
Western and Eastern thinking and either directly or by proxy – and use
begins to redefine its own para- that sneaky strategy to silence the
5. Our indigenous knowledge
which definitely includes natural digm drawing from ancient Afrikan whole. Talking and not taking ap-
medicine is powerful and should be wisdom, with an understanding of propriate action should have ended
harnessed NOW for us to be able to modern times – via its sons and like the day before yesterday.
gain an edge that gives us the ability daughters in Afrika and in the Di-
to lead the world in the direction it aspora – and build on the basis of Each time we at Msingi Afrika
ought to be taking; that new paradigm. Magazine look at the various issues
going on in Afrika against Afrikans,
6. Afrika needs to run, It has also been made very appar- it breaks our hearts and not just be-
screaming, far, far away from taking ent that the people elected to (or cause the issues are unavoidable but
on any new debt and tell the world otherwise occupying) public office because we look at our young ones
that all the pain it has suffered since in Afrika are aware of these issues and see how clueless and helpless
colonialism and now under neo-co- outlined, meaning that they are re- they are about the future. We have
lonialism is payment enough for any sponsible for what they do or don’t to change things NOW.
money the world claims that Afrika do with what they already know. If
owes; they were ignorant of these things, The status quo... is not an option.
74 | we tell the true afrikan story