Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 77


          in front of someone who is wise,   people have placed their society in   can see that black people walked in
          someone who has made an effort to   works, in laws, in behaviours, how   peace at a certain period of their life
          listen/study what he/she believes in,   they are seeing the world, their   where they had a culture that was
          see where you may have the chance   paradigm. They have placed it in   showing the world the light of God
          of saving your child.              families, in wealth, in various sorts   the Father that we call the culture of
                                             of places, and say, “we will do things   black people.
          If you see that a certain formula or   this way, or this is how we will do
          theory of mathematics is wrong and   things”. Because if we do this we   The true culture of black people
          you want to convince the world of   will call upon the light of God the   came to a decline around 1,000 or
          mathematicians that, that theory is   father, we will be in symbiosis with   2,000 years before Mfumu Yesu
          wrong, if you do not know mathe-   God and nature and we will live well   came to the world, see where we
          matics you will appear a fool. You   in our families in our nations.  walked in pain known as the great
          will come among mathematicians                                        exile from the wilderness to Canaan.
          and they will make a fool out of   That is why when we look into the   Our coming to the heart of Afrika
          you. Nonetheless you are using/    world, we are saying that a black   was not because we were having
          getting involved in things that you   person in the beginning lived well in   a good life in Egypt and did good
          do not master. You can have an     the world, he lived in peace, he knew   things over there and so God the fa-
          intuitive sense and feeling on the   the world and he knew himself, and   ther said leave all that behind and go
          inside that something is good, but   he built the world in the thought, in   to the heart of Africa (Canaan) to
          you have to learn the history of   the words, and in good works. And   do something else, no! It is because
          what you want to preach, learn the   even though he was going slowly in   well fell before God the father. We
          historical context of the thing, how   the discovery of instruments (others   intermarried with pagan nations
          did that thing come about, how did   may say technology) that could help   while in Egypt, our leaders began
          people embrace it, how was it done,   him so that he could live well in   to worship idols, and led the entire
          you need to have the ins and outs of   the world, yet his behaviours were   people to perdition.
          that thing, so when you will begin to   showing love, justice, and purity of
          talk you will be credible.         God the Father.                    My mothers, sisters, fathers and
          Today we are seeing that the god-                                     brothers, if you want to know what
          ship of foreigners, the fruit that it is   So everything that we did, in our   kind a person you are have a mo-
          bearing in the lives of people is not   way of praying, in our way of show-  ment to self-critique, an interven-
          good. They themselves are begin-   ing ourselves as a people, in our way   tion, if all your things you only see
          ning to interrogate the pertinence of   of living with mothers and fathers,   them as good, good, while it is bad
          their way of thinking, nonetheless   sisters, brothers, in our way of living   you will not do good in the world.
          it is not producing good fruits in   with children, the togetherness of   We came to the heart of Africa
          associations, in families and many   these things that is what we call   (Canaan/Ethiopia), we left Egypt
          aspects of the human life. So when   culture, true African culture. I heard   we were chased by the Greeks, the
          you bring Afrikan culture to the   a wise man say “culture is the soul   Arabs, the Babylonians because we
          table as an alternative way of life,   & language of a people”, for sure,   did not walk well with God. Our
          if your own concept is not pro-    language drives the moral values of   ancestors forgot good ways of life
          ducing good fruits, people will not   a people. Culture is the humanity,   that built Egypt, the good ways that
          adhere to your ways or approach.   the Kimuntu, Ubuntu of Bantu       gave the wisdom in mathematics, in
          If you are developing hate, jealousy,   people, wherever they are living and   geometry, in medicine, and in var-
          separatism, you prefer people who   they are expressing it in a principled   ious things that the west use today
          are coming from 8,000 kilometres to   instrument of language.         that they too have developed which
          help you more than people who are                                     has helped you and me today.
          close to you in racial proximity, you   That is why when we see the history
          are in contradiction with your own   of black people that began for the   So when we arrived in the heart of
          teachings, and it discredits you. This   first time in Ntimasi, in the heart of   Africa, we wanted to start again to
          was a small introduction, today we   Africa around 37,000 years before   build another civilization, but these
          will be brief to speak to you about   the time of the fish/Pisces up to   evil people came again after us, and
          true African culture.              when it went to Kingipiti/Egypt    they also found bad people among
                                             around 15,000 years before the     us, sell-outs. Let us be sincere, let us
          What is true African culture? How   time of fish/Pisces, up to today we   be honest. Today the west is still

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