Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 78

           MY AFRIKA

                                             will bring you back to our words.   ple, let us build a new Afrika with
                                             You will run away from it, you will   wisdom not in belief. If something
      Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala from Kongo    interpret it differently, but you will   happens, you have to explain to

      (DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Specialist at   encounter bad situations due to   me, science is experimental if you
      Signori Armadio, he is the Head at Zola Ban-  strategic errors you will make. Be-  already know the principles of how
      tu. He is Student of  the Servant of  Holy Spirit   cause you think that all that is born   something happens, if you place it
                                                                                in works, the same principles pro-
                                             in black people or all those that are
      for the  Conscience  awakening of  Black people   teaching African black tradition-  duce the same effects.
      for the preparation of  the 3rd Civilization of  a   al practices or customs they are
      1,000 years in the heart of  Afrika in the time   teaching it in the right way. We have   To those who are teaching Afri-
                                                                                kan culture, have wisdom, don’t
                                             not come to make an apology for
                   of  Aquarius.             African culture, we will select things   just have the pleasure of opposing
                                             that are right and combine it with   because you want to oppose. You
                                             the right things that are no more, to   will tell us not to speak in English,
                                             form a strong new culture. Listen   but your kids who are born or grew
                                             to Mfumu Kimbangu, what did he     up in English countries that do not
                                             tell you? He told you to remove two   know our Afrikan languages how
                                             things from your life:             will they hear us? You see! You will
                                                                                hear people say, “I feel bad when
                                             1.     For sure a time in Afrika   they speak in English”, but he is
                                             came where they sold our ances-    speaking to Malawians, Tanzanians,
                                             tors, many women were left. We     Zambians in English. Not every-
                                             permitted for social regulation to   one knows Afrikan languages, you
                                             have more wives, but when Mfumu    yourself when you go to work, you
                                             Kimbangu came he said it is over, it   do not speak Afrikan languages, you
                                             is enough. Every man with his wife   see! Emotions, the heart does not
          dominating us, why? We have evil   and every wife with her husband.   have good reception.
          people among us who are selling us
          to them. We will not build Afrika   2.    Taking the wisdom of        If we want to succeed in this thing,
          if we place ourselves on a pedestal   Kindoki/Satanism and placing it in   we need to have tolerance. Let us
          and we are not criticizing ourselves,   sorcery is over.              have tolerance for our differences.
          let us be honest we walked wrongly.   This is the testament of Mfumu   There are certain people who will
          Even the elders that God sent us   Kimbangu, read it and you will see   teach a certain category of people,
          they walked wrongly. They left the   we are not inventing anything. But   others can convince intellectuals,
          fight of waking up the children of   today we see your culture today in   maybe you cannot convince intellec-
          the nation and they entered into   the 21st century what you call Afri-  tuals. In the foolishness that he is in,
          profane politics of the west while   can culture, it’s a shame.       maybe another person will convince
          children were left asleep, see where                                  him. He will say to himself, “this
          it has led us to.                  Afrikan culture is the culture of   person is an intellectual like me, let
                                             values of light of God the Father.   me listen to him “. He might mini-
          I know it is very difficult to under-  Everything they will present you, if   mize you in the place that you are if
          stand us, but we will continue to   it does not have love, if it does not   you are not an intellectual like him.
          speak to you up to when you will   have a good comprehension, do not   But you in the place that you are,
          listen. If you will not listen to us,   do it. For “You will know them by   you are effective.
          the situation you will encounter   their fruits”. Let us be wise peo-

                       Afrikan culture is the culture of  VALUES OF LIGHT OF
                     GOD THE FATHER. Everything they will present to you, if

                      it does not have love, if  it does not have a good comprehen-
                      sion, do not do it. For “You will know them by their fruits”.

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