Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 73

                                                                                                  MY  AFRIKA

           Chioma Phillips is the Editor of
           Msingi Afrika Magazine. She is    same rules that the rest of the world   be like these despots, sociopaths and
                                             lives by. As if Afrika is their helpless
                                                                                self-inflated fools who know noth-
           also the founder of  the magazine's   little brother or infant child who   ing of the fate that awaits them...
            publisher, The Knowledge Con-    must kowtow to their every demand,   then we are – indeed – firmly on the
            sultancy Limited, which shares   without a mind or a purpose of her   path to total destruction.
            information, tools and insights to   own. These governments and lead-
           provoke thought and inspire move-  ers, fearing the possibility of ‘the   That is the madness that Afrikan
           ment... towards God. Her perspec-  worst thing that could happen’ to   leaders have subjected themselves
                                                                                to, choosing to bury their heads in
                                             themselves, continually sell the souls
          tive goes beyond national boundaries   of the 1.3 billion who are meant to   the sand and to ignore the fact that
           to see the full scope of  what God is   be under their careful stewardship   whether they cooperate with them
          saying and doing for the continent of    to the so-called global elite. As if   or not, their days as leaders – or oth-
           Africa and the world in these end   they as ‘leaders’ are immune to the   erwise – are weighed by these scum
                       times.                mood swings of those controlling   as only valuable if they are meeting
                                                                                their repulsive demands. For as
                                             their puppet strings.
                                             Do you know that the word elite,   long as they are useful, they shall be
                                             according to the dictionary, means:   retained - but once those days are
                                             “A group or class of persons       done... well, the history of Afrikan
                                             considered to be superior to others   leaders is well known to you.
                                             because of their intelligence, social
                                             standing, or wealth”? So if we’re   The question then becomes, why
                                             to go by that definition, which is   not just live and lead with the dignity
                                             intended to exclude billions of    of one who is not ‘owned’ by these
                                             people in the world and place on   tormentors? That way, if one dies,
                                             a pedestal surrounded by rarefied   they die with their honor intact,
                                             air, a mere handful – then we’re   leaving behind a true legacy to
                                             saying that these so-called crème   demonstrate to others the wicked-
                                             de la crème of society are superior   ness of the hidden hands and the
                                             beyond the reach of mere mortals.   truth that the ability to chart one’s
                                             This ‘superiority’ therefore enti-  own course is possible. Isn’t this why
                                             tles them to bully, intimidate, rob,   we sing the praises of the likes of
                                             rape and murder those ‘inferior’ to   Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumum-
          Majuto ni Mjukuu                   themselves, wherever they may be   ba, Gen. Muammar Gaddafi and
                                             in the world, whenever they feel   John Pombe Magufuli? Those who
          This is Swahili proverb has been   like. Because that’s what they do.   dared chart their own course and
          rolling around in my head for the   Arrogantly dominate global mat-   whose names now speak because of
          last few weeks. It translates to Regret   ters with a phone call, a flourish of   the choices they made that are so
          is a grandchild ... I’m sure you catch   a signature on a cheque or some   contrary to what has been called the
          its meaning.                       other document, an endorsement     norm these days?
                                             extended or withdrawn – and all
          For sixty years since ‘independence’,   this to their own economic benefit.   For the past almost two years
          some Afrikan governments and lead-  So they’re not only murderous, they   through Msingi Afrika Magazine,
          ers have been laying firm founda-  are selfish, narcissistic, greedy and   eleven months through the book A
          tions for the failure of their people   pompous to boot. Are we really   People Called Afrika: Rebuilding the
          and nations. Consorting with their   saying that is the cream of global   Afrika of Our Dreams and about 9
          former terrorizers in unholy neo-co-  society? That immorality, hedonism,   months through Msingi Afrika TV
          lonialist bonds that ensure that   wickedness and a blatant disregard   we have been sounding the warning
          their countries remain in slavery for   for the welfare of others are the   and banging the drum trying with
          the foreseeable future... bonds that   global standards for all that is good?   everything to inform, remind and
          have toxified politics, agriculture,   If we are, then the world is in a   warn Afrikans about the things we
          business, education, health, finance,   whole lot more trouble than we ever   have been learning. Things that have
          development, sports – ensuring that   imagined. Worse yet if the Afrikan   been missing from our classrooms,
          everyone in Afrika is bound by the   ‘leaders’ and middle class aspire to   newsrooms, political and cultural

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    73
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