Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 80
Essential Oils
Alexis Juma
Potential Client: Hi. I was referred Me: No, essential oils are great for
by your friend, Amor. I’d like to buy Me: Essential oil is an umbrel- your overall health and wellness but
some oils. What do you currently la term used to describe highly they are called 'essential' because
have in stock? concentrated, steam-distilled or they represent the very essence of
cold-pressed extracts of almost any odour and flavour of the plant they
Me: Hey. Thank you for calling us. part of a plant, such as seeds, roots, are derived from.
Amor is a good friend. We stock stems, leaves, flowers, rinds, barks or Potential Client: I see! Interesting.
both carrier/base oils and essen- fruits, and usually derives its name So, what are the uses and benefits
tial oils including moringa seed oil, and smell from the same. Not all of each?.......
baobab seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, plants produce essential oils though.
avocado oil, eucalyptus essential oil, Potential Client: Why are they Such conversations and genuine
patchouli essential oil…… called “essential oils”? Is it because interest by the Kenyan and African
Potential Client: By the way, what it is critical that we must use them? market in this relatively new area of
exactly are essential oils? essential oils keeps the flame of our
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