Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 81
Alexis is the founder and CEO of Kakia matically incorporate essential oils 4. Clary sage, basil, or rose-
Oils, a community-interest agribusiness into our lives and space? Essential mary rosemary oils mixed with a
that celebrates the versatility, potency of
plant-based oils from the best of African oils affect our physical, emotional coconut or sweet almond oil can
produce to promote wellness for all. and spiritual well-being and take relieve intense menstrual cramps
The easy-going, adventurous mother of effect via topical application or in- when massaged into abdomen.
two struggled with eczema into her young
adulthood, which she successfully controlled halation. Long term use of essential
using botanical oils. oils – in small quantities – can have 5. Keep essential oils in your
a great impact on our overall health first aid kit! Birch, eucalyptus and
and state of wellbeing. I am by no peppermint can all be used as a local
means an expert, but as I’ve been anesthetic. Also, tea tree essential oil
integrating essential oils into my can sterilize cuts and take the itch
daily life, I have learned a lot about out of bug bites.
how versatile they are and have had
fun trying them out in a wide variety 6. Regular steam therapy with
of ways. eucalyptus and peppermint essential
oils can aid in nasal and/or chest
I have compiled a categorized list decongestion.
of 30 ways you can utilize them, but
this is only a start! Leggo…. 7. Tea tree, lavender or lem-
ongrass essential oils are great for
supporting treatment of mild to
moderate skin conditions such as
Ailments & Pain Relief acne, eczema, and so on.
passion for plant-based oils burning
and further fuels the pursuit of in- Cleaning & Disinfecting
novation and knowledge transfer in 1. There’s a good reason just
this sector. For a long time, essential about every massage therapist uses 8. Persistent little fruit flies
oils have been considered an elitist essential oils in his or her practice: can be a huge pain, but getting rid
product by many, thus the small They have incredibly powerful of them doesn’t have to be! Fruit
market in Kenya and many other soothing effects when applied top- flies strongly dislike the smell of
parts of Africa. ically to the skin and are beneficial
for relaxation, sleep and pain relief. many essential oils. Peppermint,
But numerous species of medicinal Example: In a small bottle, com- eucalyptus, lemongrass and lavender
can all be used to deter these annoy-
plants from Africa are important bine 15mls grapeseed oil and 3-5 ing creatures. Place several drops of
aromatic and ornamental plants, drops each of lavender, peppermint, one of these essential oils on a cot-
as well as being medicinal. Many and eucalyptus essential oils. Shake ton ball and hide in any room where
of these species produce essential together and rub on areas for added you’ve seen the bugs. You can also
oils, which have applications in folk comfort, relaxation and rejuvena- dip tea bags in the essential oils and
and modern medicine, cosmetics tion. hang them throughout your kitchen.
and pharmaceutical industries. In It will keep the fruit flies away and
essence, oils have been part of our 2. Ginger or nutmeg essential make your kitchen smell great!
African heritage from as early as oil can help relieve nausea just by
10,000BCE and have been used for the smell, but also rubbing a few 9. Add several drops of
status symbols, forms of ancient drops on chest or stomach can relax essential oil to a cup of baking soda
payments for labour, beauty and the digestive system. and sprinkle over mattress or carpet.
grooming, aromatherapy, pain Leave for an hour and then vacuum
management, gifts, ritual cleansing, 3. Soothe a headache by mas- up to clean and freshen the items.
burial preparations/embalming, saging a combination of 2 drops of
spiritual ceremonies, and so on, in peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender 10. Repel household pests by
many cultures across Africa. essential oils, diluted in 10mls of placing a few drops of peppermint
a carrier oil (like coconut oil) into
Fast forward to our modern, con- temples and the back of the neck. essential oil on a cotton ball and put
them wherever you see bugs or signs
temporary world, how can we prag-
of mice. To discourage mice from