Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 10
when a person, in this case, an Afri-
kan is demented by a slave mentality
that makes him want to subject
himself to compromise, because he
was mandated by his “white mas-
ters” to do so. A slave mentality is
one which makes an Afrikan man
point his left hand in accusation
against the white man for what he
did against Afrikans, while his right
hand is holding the chicken and
chips of the very same white man myself and by that, rule over the A return to life
that he is accusing. He simply can’t others.” It’s a very sick situation that We have done the bidding of the
remove his heart and mind from we need to snap out of as Afrikans. wicked West for too long, both in
the delicacies and the luxury that theory and in practice. Slave mental-
the betrayal of his own people to While slave mentality and capital- ity, capitalism and the crabs-in-the-
the white man will give him. So, he ism try to take what is meant for bucket syndrome are not endemic
lives his life like his mentors: Blaise everyone else and appropriate it for to Afrika. They are not part of our
Compaore, Mobutu Sese Seko, and self, the crabs-in-the-bucket mental- natural make up as Afrikans. Just
the many other mental slaves who ity does everything possible to pull like HIV AIDS, Ebola, Covid-19,
sold out their friends and their others down, the moment they start to mention a few. These evils are
people for cheap gains. I call them to make a headway in life. While imported attitudes that go directly
cheap gains because what they sold the slave mentality and capitalism against the principles of communal
their friends and people for did not are not honorable ways to live, the harmony, Ubuntu and the sense of
even belong to the white man in the crabs-in-the-bucket mentality is brotherhood that are the bedrock
first place, it belonged to them and even worse. Why? It denies every- of the Afrikan people. Because I
their people. All they had to do was one the opportunity to grow. And I have used crabs-in-the-bucket as an
come together as a people and build mean both the person that is pulling illustration, I know someone will
together with the very resources others down and the people that are say Afrika is the way it is because
they sold their souls for. being pulled down do not grow. It’s we were placed like crabs in a
an evil that has to stop. bucket by the West. This is not true
How interesting that the beautiful in any way, because we are neither
soul and the life of Thomas Sankara The bucket is not the natural CRABS nor is our beautiful Afrika a
shows us, even until today, the evil habitat for crabs BUCKET. We also made the choic-
of capitalism, both within the sys- For the purpose of understand- es that got us here in the first place
tem of government in a nation, and ing how the crabs-in-the-bucket and continue to make the choices
in the evil heart that capitalists do mentality works, when next you go that keep us trapped in cycles of
business with. If for nothing more, to the market or someplace where futility. We are victims of our own
he definitely was killed because he they sell seafood, try to watch how inability to learn from the past, in-
was going to shift the good people crabs behave in a confined space. ability to make accurate judgments
of Burkina Faso away from the evil While they are aware that they based on the truth of what we have
of capitalism, by taking wealth and need to move out of that confined today and then the mindset that
power away from the small ruling place, because it’s not their natural want it all for selfish reasons. Deal
class and creating a more fair and habitat, they will never leverage on with greed and you deal with the
even distribution of wealth among the strength of their numbers and Afrikan problem. Period.
the people. their long legs to create a chain of
Capitalism says there is not enough crabs that will help them come out We cannot continue to be victims
to go around, so let me get all that but, instead, they pull at each other of our own unwillingness to do
I can get now, before others come. and by that, they never escape their something about our circumstances.
It’s the same with the slave mindset, cage. It’s not natural for Afrikans We must change our hearts and
which stems from the evil mindset to be in any form of confinement. mindsets about ourselves and how
of “Oh, I suffered so much when Ubuntu is the liberating and natural we deal with our continent as a
I had no opportunity and now that mental and spiritual identity of the people.
I do, I will take everything that is Afrikan people.
meant for others and keep it for
10 | we tell the true afrikan story