Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 11
Re- Education
true state capture
or context, this is an article advancement or reducing white
I wrote when Mbuyiseni domination. Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare:
Ndlozi graduated with his And coming from Zimbabwe, I have
Fdoctorate two years ago. seen this same pattern play itself Born in Zimbabwe but he lives in
The article is more relevant today out to a point where Zimbabwean South Africa.
than when I wrote it, because of the graduates are too educated to grow
He studied marketing and project
true state capture that we are wit- their own food, such that they are management, but now works as a
nessing today under President Cyril now surviving on food aid with their full time Afrikan social engineer. His
Ramaphosa: degrees. Something that was un- life’s creed is captured in his words:
heard of among our “uneducated” “As a man I seek to die having ful-
I’m sitting here laughing at the EFF ancestors who were self sufficient. filled my destiny to humanity,
celebrating the graduation of a not having consumed much.”
comrade. I’m laughing in the same No wonder Gavin Relly and Nicky He can be reached at iamrutendo@
way many whites are laughing at the Oppenheimer in their capacities
swelling numbers of black PhDs, as leaders of the shadow govern-
CAs, LLMs, MScs and MBAs cor- ment [Anglo American CEOs]
rectly known as MDCAs: Masters & both insisted that power would be economy, no authentic black innova-
Doctors of Colonial Administration, transferred to blacks only once they tions; no black banks, black insur-
because it means more dedicated had achieved an acceptable level of ers, black universities, decolonized
slaves for them. education. education or African laws coming
They clearly understood that educa- out of our black graduates.
The difference is, I’m laughing out tion was a medium of indoctrination Instead, our staple foods are now
of pain, because I just don’t know to train slaves to serve the master owned by German, Swiss and
how else to mourn the fact that the efficiently. American biotech companies. Our
growing numbers of black gradu- Hence, 23yrs on, with all our black resources controlled by the Britons,
ates have had no benefit on black graduates, we still have no land, no Americans and Australians. The