Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 13
courts to enforce their white clients’ ICCPR and ICESCR treaties. Albeit, victimized by the same courts that
(property) rights to stolen property. the majority of our people remain administered apartheid with the
internally displaced & dispossessed support of media houses led by
South African Constitution peoples with no homes, no land, black journalists for endeavoring to
Some are specialists in the colonial resources, wealth, equality, dignity, protect the public (black) interest.
constitution that was crafted under justice, economic, social and cultural
the stewardship of the Oppen- rights in their own country because All this because the laws and institu-
heimers (yes, that name again), of a crime visited upon them and tions of this nation are geared to see
multinational corporations, western still prevailing. Instead, it’s the crim- blacks as chattel (property) and to
governments, multi-lateral bodies inals who perpetuated the crimes protect minority interests in main-
like the IMF, World Bank, UN, The (against humanity) of apartheid taining rights to that property.
Bank of International Settlements who live in the highest standards of
and a few black politicians like our luxury from their crimes. All this is happening with the com-
president who had a conflict of plicity of black intellectuals who are
interest and those who were under Today, the same are in an arms race sitting on the sidelines like white
duress. to amass weapons, in a premedita- South Africans during apartheid.
tion of a genocide upon the black Now too afraid to challenge the sta-
Through this constitution, white masses for demanding the return of tus quo, because they have become
title to stolen property was codified their stolen property and damages beneficiaries of the exploitative
and protected, while black claim to for their suffering. Through all this, system, at the expense of the poor
restitution was wavered by clauses black MDCAs are complicit accom- masses.
that basically say that no restitution plices in this continuation of apart-
for stolen land will happen without heid through a colonial constitution, NGOs
payment for the stolen property. in the name of democracy. On another front, our NGOs which
What they don’t realize is that we are usually run by PhD graduates,
It’s a legislated contract of sale of have not reconciled but we have just go out into the western world asking
stolen property, deceptively dis- postponed the inevitable mass upris- for birth control and sanitary wear
guised by the word ‘compensation’. ing that will eventually be driven by to give our vulnerable girls and
destitution. women. In return they come back
And to compound this, black judges bearing biological and chemical
have applied this constitution that How is it possible that we have weapons as gifts, in the form of
is contrary to morality and one that churned out some many black law, sanitary wear made from GMO
has legalized an illegality over time business, psychology, and sociology cotton laced with petrochemicals,
in contrast with common law. graduates in a country that still has pesticides, herbicides and bleach.
no justice, restitution, emancipation
This they have done without con- and healing for the majority? For birth control, they are given
sideration of equality and justice for How is it that colonial, or should I prophylactics like Depo Provera,
the victim because, in South Africa, say foreign criminal laws, continue which are no longer approved for
blacks are white property and there- to prevail and set precedence as case European patients because they ster-
fore have no rights. law in South African courts, on the ilize woman and cause reproductive
watch of black ministers of justice, complications.
Academic Capture Chief Justices, judges, lawyers and
This leads me to wonder how court clerks? Our own educated people have be-
we can have black academics and come the tools of oppression upon
professors in law but we have no Who are these black jurists repre- our people. So, of what services are
academic material and legal cases senting, if they still haven’t dis- our black graduates, except admin-
challenging the prevalence of colo- mantled the racist criminal system istering white supremacy through
nial laws in a country with a majority created by the minority English and their appetite for individual accumu-
of its people (92% of the people) Afrikaners (for their benefit) to give lation and consumption at all cost,
having been victims of the same law. us a law that grants humanity, equal- as they have been taught by this
ity and dignity to the majority? toxic system?
South Africa is a signatory to the
UN Charter and human rights Today, the public protector is