Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
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          that there was a time when the call-  talent and inspire results.     Why the Concept of  Ubuntu
          ing of the manager and that of the                                    in Leadership and Manage-
          leader could be separated.         Peter Drucker, the management      ment?
                                             guru, was one of the first to rec-  In understanding the responsibilities
          The manager’s job is to plan, orga-  ognize this truth. He identified the   that come with our interconnected-
          nize and coordinate. The leader’s job   emergence of the “knowledge   ness, the realization is that we must
          is to inspire and motivate.        worker,” and the profound differ-  rely on each other to lift our world
                                             ences that would cause in the way   from where it is now to where we
          In his “On Becoming a Leader,”     business was organized (Adapted    want it to be in our lifetime, while
          (1989) Warren Bennis composed a    from “The Wall Street Journal      casting aside our worn out precon-
          list of the differences:           Guide to Management” by Alan       ceptions, and our outdated modes
          •   The manager administers; the   Murray, published by Harper Busi-  of statecraft. This is the place where
              leader innovates.              ness.                              we all belong as partners, where we
          •   The manager is a copy; the lead-                                  all participate as stakeholders, and
              er is an original.             Ubuntu Concept                     where we all succeed together, not
          •   The manager maintains; the     Ubuntu is seen as an important     incrementally but exponentially.
              leader develops.               value of African culture that can
          •   The manager focuses on sys-    form the basis of a management     Ubuntu needs to apply to personal,
              tems and structure; the leader   truly congruent with the peoples of   professional, organizational, and
              focuses on people.             Africa. Furthermore, proponents    governmental leadership. It offers
          •   The manager relies on control;   argue that Ubuntu can be parlayed   an understanding of leadership in
              the leader inspires trust.     into the practice of management for   relation with the world. It exudes
          •   The manager has a short-range   competitive advantage not just for   principles of caring for each other’s
              view; the leader has a long-range   Africa but universally (Mbigi, 1997   well-being and a spirit of mutual
              perspective.                   & Mbigi 2005) asserts that:        support. It moves away from the “us
          •   The manager asks how and       Incorporating Ubuntu principles in   and them” mentality so prevalent in
              when; the leader asks what and   management hold the promise of   politics, corporations, and tradi-
              why.                           superior approaches to managing    tionally led organizations. It focuses
          •   The manager has his or her eye   organizations. Organizations infused   on a way of being, perceiving, and
              always on the bottom line; the   with humaneness, a pervasive spirit   acting in the world. It fosters col-
              leader’s eye is on the horizon.  of caring and community, harmony   laboration in economic, social and
          •   The manager imitates; the leader   and hospitality, respect and respon-  environmental situations. It seeks to
              originates.                    siveness will enjoy more sustainable   facilitate emergence of life-affirm-
          •    The manager accepts the status   competitive advantage.          ing, future oriented and opportunity
              quo; the leader challenges it.  Accordingly, Ubuntu implies a     increasing possibilities.
          •   The manager is the classic good   management approach emphasizing
              soldier; the leader is his or her   teamwork, attention to relationships,   We are living in a world that no lon-
              own person.                    mutual respect and empathy be-     ger makes sense. Blame is being cast
          •   The manager does things right;   tween leader and followers, and par-  about with fervor and yet we are not
              the leader does the right thing.  ticipative decision-making. However,   any closer to truly understanding
                                             and importantly, we caution against   the underlying dynamics that have
          But in the new economy, where      wholesale acceptance of all African   landed us in this situation. Without
          value comes increasingly from the   customs and practices. African man-  that basic understanding, we will
          knowledge of people, and where     agement philosophy relies heavily   continue to perpetuate variations of
          workers are no longer undifferenti-  on the past which points to the   situations that do not make sense.
          ated cogs in an industrial machine,   difficulty of articulating a distinctive   We need to shift our thinking and
          management and leadership are not   conceptualization of contemporary   our actions from what is good for
          easily separated. People look to their   indigenous African culture.  us individually to what is good
          managers, not just to assign them a                                   for us all collectively. Individuality
          task, but to define for them a pur-  Ubuntu embodies beliefs, values and   is connected with Eurocentricity
          pose. And managers must organize   behaviors of a large majority of the   while collectivity is connected with
          workers, not just to maximize effi-  South African population.        Afrocentricity. Society needs to take
          ciency, but to nurture skills, develop                                a giant leap forward and we need a

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021       17
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