Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 22
Tea Tree Oil: This oil has antibac- If the young girl I mentioned earlier
terial, antiviral, antiviral, antiseptic had not been found on time, and
and anti-inflammatory properties had not been found by someone
and can be used as a natural oint- with a compassionate heart, both
ment. It kills germs and promotes she and her baby would be dead
the growth of white blood cells. by now; more casualties in a battle
that needs more than lip service and
Oregano Leaf Oil: drinking this photo opportunities to deal with. A
oil is said to boost immunity and kill battle that can so easily be won, as
bacteria around the anus, reducing keeps being mentioned when one
swelling and preventing bleeding reads up on the subject, by provid-
particularly for anal fistula. ing the right care to these women
and girls to ensure their health and
Turmeric Milk: turmeric has anti- safety before, during and after giving
bacterial and antiviral agents and it birth. Obstetric fistula should not
helps boost the immune system and be an issue that is relegated to the
is said, by the site, to be the best for realm of the annual monthly cam-
management of fistula symptoms. paign, no medical condition should.
It should be an everyday priority for
*Absorption of curcumin in tur- affected communities to constantly
meric is said to be facilitated by the be searching out the correct solu-
addition of a little black pepper tions for.
source described the best prevention alongside. Please do your research to
as using the same tools and steps find how best to use these powerful So, I have presented to you the facts
that one would use to maintain a natural remedies for relief from the and information that I was able
healthy pregnancy. It is also recom- effects of fistula. Remember that to unearth about obstetric fistula,
mended that the pregnant woman these remedies do not seal the hole, but I have to be honest, even as
watch her diet to ensure that her but help manage infections and I was doing the research around
baby is the correct weight and size, pain. this condition, I felt like a lot was
thereby ensuring that obstruction missing. I still do. And, as I often do
during labor is not caused due to the Obstetric fistula affects women all with conditions that do not appear
size of the child. around the world and it is a horren- to me to have a cause that leaves me
dous condition to have to deal with feeling satisfied that I have most of
Another online source, Apollo Spec- as a woman and for a family to face, the answers, or where the informa-
tra Hospital, says that fistula symp- particularly in countries where finan- tion around them is – again to me
toms can be managed using natural cial and other resources to manage – seeming to be either inadequate,
means such as: the condition may be lacking or vague or inadequately covered by
Ginger Tea: Its immune-boosting where governments have cast those those who claim to be concerned
and mood-elevating properties are in need aside, not dealing with the about resolving it, or where the doc-
beneficial in fistula management. condition as urgent or critical. It is tors follow a protocol but seem to
Ginger soothes the digestion and a tough situation for communities have nothing to offer as proof posi-
provides relief from pain, nausea and families that don’t have the US$ tive of the origin beyond a tentative
and constipation. 750 or US$5,000 per surgery to ‘it could be’ or a fancy sounding
help their mothers and daughters. name for the condition that is more
Cloves: Cloves have anti-bacterial Much like the issue of menstrual general and descriptive about the
and antiviral agents; they boost the health and the lack of affordable, condition than it is an answer. You
immune system and cleanse the co- safe, sanitary towels for women and know, things like Folliculitis, Autism,
lon naturally. They also prevent the girls who need these items monthly, Eczema, Asthma, Cancer, Endome-
occurrence of parasitic infections fistulas are an indicator of the level triosis or PCOS or Menstrual Health
in the body. In this instance the site of government care and interest in ‘problems’… Or where doctors get
recommends that cloves be used as the condition of their communities’ defensive and tell you that they are
a drink. well-being. the experts – or shrink back just as
defensively and say this is what they
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