Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 21
repair of ruptured uterus, or hyster- Many times, for women who find medical staff, she still needs further
ectomy for ruptured uterus, or even themselves wrestling with the con- surgery to complete the process,
from objects being forgotten in the dition of obstetric fistula in remote because she would pull out the inva-
woman’s body by doctors. Obstetric areas - or in low-income groupings sive catheter, which must have been
fistula has also been linked to female in urban areas – the effects can be a source of great discomfort and
genital mutilation, particularly the devastating. They find themselves even pain for her. The organization
more extreme cuts such as those ostracized, rejected by their hus- that sponsored the medical camp at
that remove the clitoris or those that bands, family and friends and cut which she was first treated declined
remove the clitoris, labia minora and off from income-earning activities, to pay for a second operation, leav-
parts of the labia majora and the as their inability to control their ing her in a condition that is halfway
narrowing of the vagina by stitching. urine and/or stool means that they resolved and their beneficence,
The good news is that fistula can be give off not only a bad smell, but incomplete. Her supporters are
corrected through surgery, fol- also have constantly soiled clothing continuing to work to find ways in
lowed by physical therapy, to help that can soil surfaces used by others. which to ensure the second surgery
the women regain a full range of Unless they get support, such as can be done.
motion and to completely heal. Al- the use of adult diapers or surgical
though, it is said that some who do interventions, they are unable to sit For the millions of women who are
undergo surgery may still struggle in public spaces or spend time with forced to endure this humiliating
with incontinence to some degree. people for extended periods, let condition and who may be unable
alone take public transport with- to resolve it through surgery, unable
According to a 2019 news story, out being ejected or mocked and to work and earn a living, unable to
fistula surgery costs US$750 at Ken- ridiculed. live with their families or interact
ya’s national teaching and referral with their communities, the cost of
hospital in Nairobi, and US$5,000/- The mental and emotional pressure, obstetric fistula, the stigma by their
at one of what is considered a top coupled with the economic and so- societies and neglect by govern-
private hospital in the country. This cial pressure, can cause them to give ments, takes an unimaginable toll on
is a cost that is prohibitive for many, up on themselves and even on life. them and their children… and as a
particularly those who do not have Such was the case with the recent consequence, their nation. The med-
medical insurance cover or cover case of a young married girl from ical impact along with the socio-eco-
that will accommodate surgery for Marsabit County who, together with nomic problems arising can contrib-
fistula. Even in Kenya, the national her infant child, was ejected from ute to poor and declining health and
insurer only recently announced her marital home by her husband, wellbeing in these women, that can
plans to include fistular surgery in its who was unwilling to deal with the lead to untimely death, not to speak
packages. And this during a recent indignity and embarrassment that of the effects of these deaths and
fistula surgery campaign, earlier in had befallen his youthful bride. Cast conditions on the children and soci-
2021. Such specialized surgeries out of the home that had chosen ety as a whole. This is a vulnerability
are available in the capital city of her, she was, thankfully, taken in by that exists in many communities and
Nairobi and a few towns outside of a compassionate elderly lady, who, needs to be addressed - as a priority
Nairobi. However, in towns such as was also not very strong financially, - by any government that claims to
Marsabit, located over 500 kilo- but together, they were making a go care for its citizens.
meters north of the capital, which of things. However, overwhelmed
DON’T have this option available by her state, the young mother had When it comes to prevention of
the women suffering this indignity, made preparations to end things for fistula, suggestions range from good
it means that they have to find a way herself and her child, but before she nutrition for growing girls in order
to travel to the capital or another could do so, a kind-hearted local to ensure that their frames develop
town in order to have the surgery, woman found her and enlisted the proportionally; delaying the first
find a safe place to recuperate, while help of her daughter to ensure that pregnancy until the girl is fully ma-
going for follow-up visits and then she got corrective surgery for her ture; ensuring the woman is physi-
travel back once healed – That’s if condition. Unfortunately, due to her cally fit and has accurate, adequate
they have the money or medical cov- unfamiliarity and discomfort with nutrition, wellness checks during
er or even people who are willing to the medical procedure, and possibly pregnancy and empowering those
support them to end their struggle the lack of proper preparation and who support the birth process to
with this condition. briefing of the inexperienced girl by know what to look for. One online