Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 23


     Obstetric fistula affects

     women all around the world              has now been exposed for the fraud   may compromise fetal heartrate and
    and it is a horrendous condi-            that it is. The same US, according   blood supply at birth due to lower
     tion to have to deal with as            to Margulis, has the highest mater-  blood pressure in the mom, it in-
     a woman and for a family to             nal and infant mortality rates in the   creases length of labor, reduces the
     face, particularly in coun-             ‘industrialized’ world and gives free   chances of breastfeeding, increases
                                                                                the mother’s chances of having a
                                             samples of formula to women who
      tries where financial and              are planning to breastfeed, which   cesarean section… and – doubles
    other resources to manage                we all know is best for baby and   the mother’s risk of SEVERE VAG-
    the condition may be lacking             vaccinates its babies against an STD   INAL TEARS.
     or where governments have               at birth. She also says that contin-  Something else you may also know
                                             uous monitoring during pregnancy
    cast those in need aside, not            does not improve outcomes but      is that ‘modern’ diets which in-
    dealing with the condition as            actually results in more caesarean   clude a lot of added sugars, strange

          urgent or critical.                sections because the medical system   preservatives, colors, and chemicals,
                                             in the US – which many are copying   as well as fertilizers, herbicides
                                             around the world – is a for-profit   and pesticides and GMOs actually
          learnt and they’re just doing what
          they were told… I’m left with some   system. She is the author of ‘Your   trigger changes in the body that
          nagging discomfort in the back of   Baby, Your Way’ which you might   have a direct impact on fertility and
          my mind about the true causes of   want to look into reading, as she   even on immunity and overall body
          obstetric fistula and the genuine   dispels a lot of myths around preg-  development. They are even known
          ways in which they can be avoided   nancy, childbirth and childrearing   to cause cancers (which were men-
          and handled. I am dissatisfied with   that you may be interested in. While   tioned above), diabetes and obesity,
          the numbers that I found online,   you’re at it, do get me a copy!    including fetal diabetes and obesity.
          which seem to be quite old and     You also may know that the birthing   Which leaves me believing that all
          unchanging and based on the WHO    position that many are forced into in   of these things have contributed to
          narrative alone. I am bothered by   ‘modern’ hospitals is actually quite   a general weakening of the woman’s
          the entire thing.                  unnatural and even impedes the     body which may have affected the
                                             birthing process because it prevents   strength of the bladder, ureter, ure-
                                             the pelvic area from being able to   thral, vaginal and rectal passages to
          I’m left wondering about a condi-
          tion that seems to be closely linked   attain a full and unhindered expan-  some extent. Especially since I know
          to surgical error, caesarean sections   sion. I remember that a woman once   the One Who made us and that we
          and hysterectomies and ruptured    shared a photo of her birth expe-  were made fearfully and wonderfully
          uteruses and items being ‘forgotten’   rience where she was in a squatting   and well able to go through preg-
          inside the woman’s body and even   position and the image of her back   nancy and childbirth very well. So,
          cancer and radiation therapy. Be-  was shared having expanded freely   what happened to change all this
          cause, as you may know, the majority   in what was a revelatory moment for   and when did it really start?
          of caesarean sections being carried   me. Traditionally women used birth-
          out today are more out of financial   ing stools that allowed both gravity   Are all the changes that we have
          gain or benefit for the doctors and   and the body’s contractions to work   made in the name of progress,
          the hospitals that are doing them   in harmony to provide greater ease   development, modernity and health
          than out of genuine need. In fact,   during the birthing process.     actually the things that are now
          Jennifer Margulis, an American jour-                                  working against us and causing our
          nalist and PhD in the US pointed   You may know that epidurals and    girls and women so much hardship
          out that during the ‘covid reset sea-  spinals, the pain medication given   and humiliation? I believe so and I
          son’ (my latest name for this thing   during childbirth, has side effects   also believe that we need to retrace
          they foisted on the world) cases of   like itching, difficulty in urinating,   our paths to a simpler time, simpler
          caesarean sections and premature   back pain, headaches, fever (that can   way of life, simpler diet, simpler
          births actually reduced, leaving many   cause the baby to have seizures after   solutions, in order to recover our
          doctors wondering what happened    birth), numbness from the waist    humanity and accurate divinely
          to the ‘preemies’ and her giggling to   down, blood pressure drops, does   made anatomy, before it’s too late.
          herself about how medical interfer-  not always end up relieving the labor
          ence in the process of pregnancy   pain and the medication reaches the   Your thoughts and insights are
                                             baby (unlike what many are told), it   welcome.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021        23
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