Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 28
If All Is Well With Our World, Why Do We
Spend So Much On Health Care?
or decades, Afrikans have nurses, hospital beds, surgeries and
been told that the massive so on) … and this is meant to be
size of a nation’s health- indicative of a nation that can take Chioma Phillips
Fcare budget is a great care of its citizens’ needs. However,
indicator of how well developed doesn’t that massive budget simply is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine
that country is. For instance, we’re mean that a huge number of Ameri- and the host of Msingi Afrika Television.
told that the US spends about $1 cans are just in poor health? Her hope is to see the Truth shared, with all
trillion a year on healthcare for
their citizens. They are actually the The statistics on healthsystemtrack- who will listen, for the transformation of the
biggest spender (per 2019 figures) are an indicator that big bud- people and the continent of Afrika - and the
on healthcare globally, followed by gets and modern medical facilities world.
Switzerland, Norway and Germa- and pharmaceuticals may not be all
ny. 1 trillion dollars. That’s a huge that great: “Before the pandemic,
amount of money. And this gargan- mortality and disease burden rates
tuan sum goes to machines, drugs, were already worse in the U.S. than
costs of hospitalization (doctors, in peer countries. … the U.S. has
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