Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 31


          inequalities). The COVID-19 pan-   omies to comply with emissions     thermore, according to the WHO
          demic has added further challenges   requirements that are the result of   website, “WHE continues to work
          for making progress on the SDGs.   pollution by western and eastern   with Member States to strength-
          Poverty, hunger, and inequalities   economies. Although their claims   en prevention, surveillance, and
          have increased around the world.   about the environment I really don’t   response capacities for seasonal and
          Economic growth has also moved     believe. God wasn’t confused when   zoonotic influenza with pandemic
          in reverse. During the July 2020 ses-  He created oxygen inhaling – carbon   potential.” So, it was anticipated and
          sion of the UN High-level Political   dioxide exhaling humans, animals   expected and prepared for a mini-
          Forum for Sustainable Development   and plants.                       mum of 3 years before it ‘started’.
          (HLPF), UN Secretary-General                                          And as we know from the Bill and
          António Guterres told the interna-  Keep in mind that the September   Melinda Gates Foundation’s close-
          tional community that COVID-19     2019 summit Pytrik mentions, was   knit relationship with the UN and
          could set us back years and even   held before Covid was announced    the WHO (GAVI having been set
          decades, leaving countries with mas-  to the world and one month before   up in the year 2000), Bill Gates must
          sive fiscal and growth challenges at a   Event 201, the ‘simulation’ for a   have been active in briefing the
          time when a “leap ahead” is desper-  global high-level pandemic. The   global bodies about his predictions
          ately needed.  He also stated that,   world was actually ticking along at a   of an expected worldwide pandem-
          had implementation of the 2030     relatively predictable, relatively stable   ic, which he had been sounding
          Agenda been further advanced, the   rate, and if genuine efforts had been   off on since 2010. In 2015 he is
          world would have been more resil-  applied to improve conditions, they   quoted as saying: ““If anything kills
          ient and better prepared to respond   would have been felt – instead of   over 10 million people in the next
          to the challenges posed by the global   this madcap plan of introducing   few decades, it’s most likely to be a
          health emergency.”  Take note of   a lab-originated virus on the earth   highly infectious virus rather than
          the language and of its correlation   in order to create chaos. Anyway,   a war.” He continued, “You can
          to the WEF language around the     Pytrik goes on to say that, “The 193   have a virus where people feel well
          ‘Great’ Reset.                     countries that adopted the 2030    enough while they’re infectious that
                                             Agenda on 25 September 2015 did    they get on a plane or they go to a
          Let’s be real, if the world really   not anticipate the acute need that   market.” (Sound familiar?) In light
          wanted to end inequality, they would   the global community now has for a   of this, Pytrik’s comments appear to
          stop the inequality with just as much   shared framework through which to   be more like priming for the call that
          fervor and speed as they have used   address multiple challenges simul-  will likely be sounded soon for the
          manufactured these clot-causing,   taneously and in all corners of the   implementation of greater ‘frame-
          DNA-altering, GMO-creating jabs    globe. Aligning COVID-19 response   works’ in healthcare globally. Just
          they are trying to force on us – be-  and recovery efforts with the SDGs   what these will entail, remains to be
          cause they own and manipulate the   can help to address today’s challeng-  seen. Although, based on the way
          sources of inequality on the earth.   es while also building more inclusive   this Covid plan has been handled
          Bill Gates said this in 2010: “Now,   economies within sustainable and   and on Karl Schwab’s agenda and
          we put out a lot of carbon dioxide   resilient societies. This requires con-  book, we can likely figure that out.
          every year -- over 26 billion tons.   siderable commitment and solidarity   Back to Health
          For each American, it’s about 20   across and at all levels of society,
          tons. For people in poor countries,   and adopting the 2030 Agenda as a   WHO, in 1948, defined health as: “A
          it’s less than one ton. It’s an average   blueprint for recovery.”    state of complete physical, mental
          of about five tons for everyone                                       and social well-being and not merely
          on the planet.” He clearly says that   It is odd that he says that the   the absence of disease or infirmity.”
          the major sources of carbon di-    countries ‘did not anticipate’ such   Dr. Jack Githae, Afrikan Natural and
          oxide emissions, plastic waste and   a challenge, because the WHO set   Traditional Medicine Practitioner
          other issues that are affecting our   up a Health Emergencies Program   defines it this way: “Spirituality:
          environment and/or our health do   (WHE) in July 2016 at the request   health means being at par with the
          not come from Afrika. If they are   of the World Health Assembly after   expectation of the Creator, within
          sincere about equality, then solving   the slow response to the 2014-15   the ecosystem He put you in. Period.
          these problems therefore should    Ebola outbreak and the WHO had     They are inseparable. In our culture,
          be done at the source, instead of   anticipated that the next pandemic   the diet, interaction with people and
          applying pressure on Afrikan econ-  would be influenza based. Fur-    spirituality are inseparable. Then

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