Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 30


          while managing how much they
          spend. What is curious is why, after
          McKinsey’s recommendations about
          cost reductions and the methods
          for how countries could go about
          this (which I will share later), did the
          WHO and UN and nations of the
          world change course from ‘health
          care budgets around the world are
          being squeezed’ to a direction that
          would ensure increased spending in
          healthcare and on healthcare sys-
          tems in countries around the world,
          by the year 2030? All the while using
          as an entreaty, a principle they call
          Leave No One Behind (LNOB).
          A term reminiscent of US military
          ethos.                                “The world today has 6.8 billion people, that’s head-
                                                ed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great
          So, what was this shift in health-   job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health
          care spending really about? Making
          money for pharmaceutical com-        services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.”
          panies, manufacturers of hospi-       Each one of the items on his list of things they could
          tal equipment and construction        do a ‘really great job’ on is connected directly to the
          companies and all those in related                        health care industry.
          value chains? Did the McKinsey
          report hint at something to come
          like maybe a global plan by the
          World Economic Forum and its       pharmaceutical industry and certain   as their intended goals for global
          partners to move people off heavy   other aspects of allopathic ‘care’ and   vaccination had not been sufficiently
          spending on healthcare and health-  the fitness industry that cause more   met. This was before Covid. You
          care systems at some point in the   harm than good - among all the    have to know that the ones being
          future? Could this plan have been   other games that are being played   called ‘furthest behind’ are those
          deferred, by all the parties involved,   on human beings that result in $1   in Afrika and other lands that have
          to the year 2030, where it can be   trillion price tags on health.    been subject to global economic
          rolled out after the heavy anti-health                                manipulations. Manipulations which
          campaign that is currently running   The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable   have ensured that these nations do
          across the world? Perhaps after the   Development states, in paragraph 4:   not rise up and make any real moves
          infrastructure for remote delivery   “As we embark on this great collec-  towards transformation that do not
          of treatments via nanotechnology   tive journey, we pledge that no one   fit the global script.
          has been rolled out to all citizens of   will be left behind. Recognizing that
          the world? The anti-health campaign   the dignity of the human person   As we see from this quote taken
          I’m referring to goes beyond Covid.   is fundamental, we wish to see the   from a guest article by Pytrik Dieu-
          The global vaccination campaign    Goals and targets met for all nations   wke Oosterhof, Sustainable Devel-
          existed before this and is wreaking   and peoples and for all segments of   opment Expert, published on sdg.
          considerable havoc in human health,   society. And we will endeavour to, the SDGs, by late 2019, had
          even for the unborn. So is the use   reach the furthest behind first.” This   not delivered as expected. He says
          of RoundUp and other herbicides    paragraph captures the second prin-  that: “The SDG Summit in Sep-
          as well as chemical fertilizers and   ciple they are using i.e., ‘reaching the   tember 2019 called progress to date
          pesticides. In addition, there is the   furthest behind first.’ Recently, the   insufficient, and analyses pointed
          sugar industry, the processed foods   UN shifted the timeline for univer-  to stagnation in efforts to address
          industry, the ‘health supplements’   sal vaccination from 2020 to 2030,   SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 13 (cli-
          industry, the fast-food industry, the   in order to ‘leave no one behind’   mate action) and SDG 10 (reducing

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