Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 33


          ages to come.                      for treatment, for the rest of their   proposing that keeping healthy peo-
                                             lives. It’s a great business plan. This   ple from becoming sick or injured
          The Higher Path                    is the real reason why the Amish   would be a great way to resolve the
          So, you can see why the concept of   community in the US is victimized   cost of healthcare. But they did.
          good health, as Dr. Githae describes   for its organic products that it tries   The question is, why did the world
          it, is not a welcome one in a world   to make available to other people.   not follow through on it, with all
          that is lying about its real intentions   They are actually passing on health,   strength? Why did they instead turn
          for its citizens. Dr. Githae had this   healing and immunity to people who   around and increase their efforts
          to say about the curative approach   the globalists are trying to weaken   towards the provision of primitive
          in medicine, “I have been in this line   and sicken and kill.         care? I don’t have the answers for
          now for 50 years. I am changing,                                      this right now, but what I would say
          for the remaining years I want to   This is why it might surprise you to   is, let Afrika chart its own course.
          go more into preventive medicine   learn that in the McKinsey report I
          rather than curative. The curative   mentioned earlier in this article, this   Thankfully, much of the western
          approach is primitive. You wait until   WEF-affiliated body spoke about:   way of doing medicine and much of
          people are sick and they come to   “Three promising ways to avoid the   western lifestyle has not permeated
          you. Preventive helps people keep   need for hospitalization are preven-  Afrika in the way that it could have,
          away the diseases (and) live longer.   tion programs, Disease Management   for various reasons. So, we are left
                                             Programs (DMPs), and greater       with the higher pathway for Afrika
          Our people managed to survive      patient involvement in treatment.   to use: the route of prevention.
          without hospitals, just like animals
          in Mt. Kenya do. They have no vets   Prevention programs… are de-     How we do that is through recon-
          in Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares, yet   signed to keep healthy people from   necting with our Creator and His
          elephants, giraffes, the zebras, are   becoming sick or injured… DMPs   order of things; reconnecting with
          healthier than our cattle, because   are predicated on a simple idea: the   one another in love, reconnecting
          they eat right, they adapt their diet   better chronic diseases are managed   to the environment as was intend-
          to changing needs and circumstanc-  in an outpatient setting; the less   ed; reconnecting to the accurate
          es and instinctively they know what   likely patients are to need hospital-  diets and lifestyles we are supposed
          to eat, and what not to eat at given   ization. Greater patient involvement   to embrace. We do it by cleaning
          times. Our people managed to keep   can reduce hospitalization rates   up what we have destroyed and
          the disease-burden low because     only when alternative treatments are   replanting and restoring what has
          they had a habit of taking herbal   available and have proved to provide   been taken down or killed, like our
          tonic soups. (In) Every family, even   equal or better outcomes (ideally, at   soils. For those who have fallen
          in your own setting, there must    lower cost).” They also have this to   victim to the ‘modern’ lifestyle and
          be somebody who once in a while    say about the use of decision aids as   mindset that the west snuck into
          would go for some herbal mate-     a tool for reducing hospitalizations   Afrika, there is hope to be found
          rial, buy some bones, make soup,   (decision aids are materials that pro-  in the regeneration of our bodies
          (and) children were given forcefully,   vide patients with more information   through the path of reconciliation
          literally.”                        about the risk and benefits associat-  with God and the use of the plants
                                             ed with a treatment). “Decision aids   He prepared well in advance for our
          The curative approach is primitive!   are particularly useful for patients   safety. There is hope to be found in
          Yet this is the approach the whole   contemplating elective surgery.   reconnecting with each other and
          world has embraced. You wait for                                      with the earth. There is also hope
          people to get sick and then you treat   Considerable evidence suggests that   for the next generations to be found
          them. Or you find ways in which    these patients often overestimate the   in those who were injured by the
          to sneak toxins and poisons into   benefits of surgery and do not fully   ‘modern’ system, in sharing their
          their systems, all the while telling   comprehend the risks or the alterna-  stories, advising the next generation
          them it’s for their own good – like   tive treatments they could consider.”  on the paths to return to and watch-
          fluoride in drinking water – and   I really wonder how this document   ing over, supporting and ensuring
          then you watch them and their      even got written. It seems impossi-  this successful return. So that it may
          successive generations get sick and   ble and unlikely in today’s world that   be well with Afrika.
          come to you and your generations   there would be a consulting agency
                                             of the size and nature of McKinsey,

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021        33
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