Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 37


                    Will The U.S. Support Egypt’s Violation Of

               Ethiopia’s Sovereign Right to Operate The GERD?

                                              By Lawrence Freeman, USA

          Originaly published on
          June 5th, 2021

               s the United States’ continued   of Libya and overthrowing President
               escalation of hostile policy   Kaddafi. While U.S. foreign policy in
               towards Ethiopia preparing    the region is aligning itself more closely
          Ithe groundwork to support         to Egypt, it continues to undermine
          Egypt’s “colonial rights” over the   Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s
          Nile River? As the White House and   sovereign authority to prevent the Bal-
          Congress threaten more sanctions   kanization of his nation.
          against Ethiopia, their sovereign
          right to generate electricity for its   Sanctions Are Not For Allies      Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Eco-
          people through the operation of the   Secretary of State, Antony Blinken’s still   nomic Analyst for Africa, who has been in-
          Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam    unproven, but often repeated March
          (GERD) is being linked to the con-  30th allegation of ethnic cleansing by   volved  in economic development  policies  for
          flict in Tigray. Is the Biden adminis-  the Ethiopia government in Tigray, has   Africa for over 30 years. He is the creator of
          tration and the Democrat controlled   provided the impetus for the crescendo   the  blog: lawrencefreemanafricaandtheworld.
          Congress ominously following in the   of group-think Congressional voices   com. Mr. Freeman’s stated personal mission
          footsteps of President Trump, who   to attack Ethiopia, America’s foremost
          shockingly gave a “green light” for   ally in the Horn of Africa. On May   is; to eliminate poverty and hunger in Africa
          Egypt to bomb the GERD? This       23rd, Blinken intensified U.S. aggression   by applying the scientific economic principles of
          would be a grave mistake, with more   towards Ethiopia by:                         Alexander Hamilton.
          disastrous consequences than the
          Obama’s administration’s bombing   •   Issuing sanctions.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021       37
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