Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 39


          ing the complex history of Ethiopia.  According to African Intelligence,
          Overturn Geo-Political Thinking    the two leaders discussed new secu-
          While the U.S., led by Secretary   rity relations between their nations.
          Blinken, is reversing decades of   African Intelligence further reports
          friendship between Ethiopia and    that Egypt’s defense minister and
          America, and endangering the Horn   army chief of staff, who also visited
          of Africa, the Biden administration   Djibouti, “would like to see the creation
          is enhancing its rapport with Egypt.  of  an Egyptian base in Djibouti not far       Senator Bob Menendez (D. NJ)
                                                                                           Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations
          On May 26th, while the Senate was   from the Ethiopian border.”               Committee (Courtesy
          ratcheting up the pressure on Ethi-
          opia, Secretary Blinken was in Cairo   At his news conference in Djibouti,   higher level of potential resolution.
          conveying:                         President Sisi said:               Instead, the U.S., dominated by
          “President Biden’s appreciation to Pres-  “I stressed Egypt’s rejection of  any attempt   geo-politics, is fixated on seeking
          ident Sisi for Egypt’s critical mediation   to impose a fait accompli through unilater-  partners, who serve their narrow
          efforts in support of  a cease fire between   al measures that disregard the interests and   immediate interests, such as Egypt’s
          Israel and Hamas…”                 rights of  the two downstream countries.”    role in mitigating the Israel-Palestine
          “The Secretary affirmed the strong strategic   Egypt has made repeated military   crisis.
          partnership between the United States and   threats against Ethiopia, has formed   In fact, there is no danger of Ethi-
          Egypt, and President Biden’s commitment   a military alliance with Sudan, and   opia depriving downstream nations
          to this relationship.  He reiterated the   last month, carried out joint mili-  (Egypt and Sudan) of water for
          United States’ commitment to Egypt’s   tary exercises with Sudan labeled   their people.  This was admitted by
          water security and to the urgent resump-  “Guardians of the Nile”.    Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh
          tion of  substantive and results oriented   Since Egypt is the second largest   Shoukry himself: Egypt Foreign
          negotiations under the leadership of  the   recipient of U.S. aid next to Israel,    Minister Says Water Safe Despite
          African Union to resolve the dispute over   it would not be difficult for the U.S.   Ethiopian Dam Threat.
          the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam   to convince Egypt to stand down.  The GERD will actually help
          (GERD).”                                                              both Egypt and Sudan by regu-
                                             According to a knowledgeable       lating the Nile, preventing deadly
          The sovereign right of Ethiopia to   expert on the region, the Biden   floods, reducing evaporation, and
          fill and operate the GERD for the   administration is preparing to re-  providing a water bank to draw
          general welfare of its citizens has   locate the hub of its anti-terrorism    on in emergencies. However, the
          become linked to the conditions in   deployment in the Horn of Africa,   GERD is not even the fundamental
          Tigray.                            from Ethiopia to Kenya.  The U.S.   cause of Egypt’s water problem, as
                                             is trying to persuade Gulf nations,   Yaniv Cohen explains: Egypt has a
          Democrat Senator Mendez, at the    who support Ethiopia, to leverage   water problem and it’s not only the
          hearing ostensibly on Tigray, made   their relationship in an effort to   GERD
          the same veiled threat on the GERD   pressure Ethiopia to abandon its
          as President Trump, who infamous-  commitment to the GERD.            The real issue concerning the Nile
          ly suggested that Egypt might try   President Biden may or may not    River is strategic; the Nile does not
          to blow-up the GERD. Mendez        be aware of the implications of his   have enough water to provide for
          blurted out, that Egypt has told him   decision to undermine Prime Minis-  the hundreds of millions of Afri-
          more than once, “if  the GERD issue   ter Abiy’s government and support   cans living in the nations of the Nile
          is not dealt with in a way that assures   Egypt in their brinkmanship with   Basin.
          their water needs…they will do what is   Ethiopia regarding the GERD. His   For the economic growth and well
          necessary…They have red lines…”    administration, filled with person-  being of the nations of the Nile Ba-
                                             nel from the Obama and Clinton     sin, more water is needed than the
          On May 27, Egyptian President Sisi,   presidencies, is following the same   Nile can deliver. The equivalent of
          traveled to Djibouti, whose port   warped geo-political doctrine of his   a second Nile has to be created by
          provides access to the Gulf of Eden   predecessors. Rather than respond-  human beings. This is the discussion
          and Indian Ocean for its neighbor   ing to the fixed contours of the   that should take place among the
          and major trading partner, Ethiopia.   contentiousness surrounding the   Nile Basin nations and the larger in-
          This was the first visit ever of an   GERD, a true statesman would    ternational communities. It requires
          Egyptian head of state to Djibouti.   desire to shift the discussion to a   creative and visionary  thinking,

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021       39
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