Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 44

      Energy in Afrika



            By PD Lawton, UK.

          Interview with Dr David Muhindo    South Kivu which is in the east,   Kinshasa with the eastern regions.
          Biryage                            near the borders of Rwanda and     It is not possible to travel from
                                             Burundi. The distance between the   Bukavu to Kinshasa by road or rail.
                   he Democratic Repub-      2 cities of Kinshasa and Bukavu is   It is not possible to travel by road
                   lic of Congo is roughly   2,494km which is slightly less than   or rail from Goma, the provincial
                   2.5 million km2. That is   the distance between London and   capital of North Kivu to Bukavu,
          Tslightly greater than the         Moscow.                            the provincial capital of South Kivu.
          combined land surfaces of Spain,                                      Nor is it possible to travel south
          Germany, France, Sweden and        Congo is ranked among the 3 worst   from Goma or Bukavu to Bunia, the
          Norway. The DR Congo is Africa`s   cases of national infrastructure defi-  provincial capital of Ituri.
          second largest country. The largest   cits in the world. The other 2 cases
          being Algeria.                     being Yemen and the Central Afri-  A road is defined by its composi-
          The capital of DR Congo is Kin-    can Republic which is considered   tion which is tarmac. People in the
          shasa which is located in the west,   to have the highest level of extreme   eastern Congo travel on `tracks`
          on the border with the neighbouring   poverty globally.               which turn to mud and become im-
          Republic of Congo or Congo Braz-                                      passable. The only other means of
          zaville , as it is sometimes called.   It is not possible to traverse the DR   transport is by air which is unafford-
          Bukavu is the provincial capital of   Congo by road or railway. There   able for 99% of the population.
                                             is no infrastructure connecting

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