Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 43
Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan signed The negotiations could be expedited
their joint Declaration of Princi- and bear fruit if Egypt and Sudan
ples (DOP) in 2015. The DOP is undertake the following:
based on 10 basic principles which
require the three countries to work Fully and wholeheartedly commit
cooperatively and in good faith to the negotiations taking place under
negotiate and resolve differences on the sponsorship of the African
the GERD. Union.
Apply the 2015 Declaration of Prin-
They agreed to work cooperatively ciples in guiding the negotiations.
among themselves, without exter- Refrain from engaging in propagan-
nal interference, to ensure regional da and disinformation wars during
integration, prevent significant harm the AU-led negotiations.
from construction of the dam, share Depoliticize the GERD, exert
data on the dam’s performance, maximum political will and focus on
increase dam safety and commit to resolving technical issues.
peaceful resolution of disputes. A negotiated, mutually beneficial
and equitable solution is the only
Egypt has given lip service to Afri- way to achieve long-term interests in
can Union involvement in resolution the region.
of GERD disputes.
Ethiopia is committed to continue
Egypt’s reliance on the Arab League to push for a constructive negotia-
and efforts to use the U.S. to pres- tion to reach a mutually beneficial
sure Ethiopia, reflect either lack of agreement that ensures the legiti-
confidence in the AU or a determi- mate interests of the three countries.
nation that external pressure can
even override AU efforts and give Ethiopia believes the only way to
Egypt greater negotiating advantage. resolve the differences regarding the
This may account for Egypt’s lack filling and operation of GERD is
of serious commitment and unwill- through dialogue and by resorting to
ingness to negotiate within the AU technically informed consultations.
The Nile is bountiful for all coun-
To date, no significant harm has tries to share and use wisely. We
been caused to Egypt or Sudan as a must all think in terms of regional
result of the ongoing construction and collective benefits.
of the GERD.
Paraphrasing the words of Dr. Mar-
The first filling of the dam in July tin Luther King Jr., Ethiopia, Egypt
2020 went uneventfully. The current and Sudan are part of “an inescap-
filling which is ongoing since early able network of mutuality, tied in
July 2021 has presented no issues a single garment of destiny. What-
as well. Egypt has issued a public ever affects one directly, affects all
statement to that effect. indirectly.” We must work together
in good faith and good will for the
Ethiopia believes the GERD will betterment of our people.
bring many benefits to the Horn re-
gion and beyond. A comprehensive Fitsum Arega is the Ethiopian Am-
agreement on the GERD between bassador to the United States.
the two countries is possible today
if Egypt and Sudan genuinely
commit to the AU-led negotiations.