Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 35
Health & Healing
A PERSPECTIVE by Fr Anselm Adodo
he COVID-19 pandemic is mainly a mindset problem. Some plants, have lost knowledge of the
has clearly demonstrated people blame this mindset on colo- forest? Or the astronaut who, while
the fact that the nations nialism, some on foreign religions becoming an expert in the study
Twho will attain economic and some on western education. of the moon and the stars, has lost
sufficiency, wealth, health, and pros- In the past, we used to hear about knowledge of the sky? Before our
perity in the 21st century are those physicians who provide health very eyes, we observe experts and
nations who depend on their own CARE to the sick. Physicians who professionals taking over our lives,
inner genius and resources. In short, genuinely care for the sick. Today, controlling it, and forming a power-
human capital and originality is the it seems what we have are more of ful clique with a claim to a monop-
hallmark of the successful nation health specialists or professionals, oly of knowledge, and restricting
of the future. If African countries who help us fix our bodies when our access to the open book which
are lagging in almost every aspect broken down so that we can keep is nature.
of human development index, it is on moving. Yes, they may have
not because the African people are cured us, but do they really CARE? As men and women of goodwill,
less intelligent than other races. On Is health care in the modern world we must show a keen interest in the
the contrary, Africa is blessed with becoming more of a business quality of advice given to govern-
brilliant and intelligent men and venture rather than a CARE profes- ment by our experts. Is government
women. sion? And what about the botanist getting the right advice concerning
and taxonomist who, while gaining health care and how to improve it?
The biggest challenge for Africans a technical knowledge of trees and Has importation of sophisticated